Adoption and use of Postgre SQL is growing all the time. From mom-and-pop shops to large enterprises, more data is being managed by Postgre SQL. In turn, this means that more data professionals need to learn Postgre SQL even when they have experience with other databases. While the documentation around Postgre SQL is detailed and technically rich, finding a simple, clear path to learning what it is, what it does, and how to use it can be challenging. This book seeks to help with that challenge.
We set about giving you all the basics of how to get started within Postgre SQL. From getting your first instance, or cluster, up and running, to backups, to server configurations, we cover all the basics. You’ll learn about processing languages, monitoring, indexes and more. Every chapter provides fundamental knowledge and guidance so that you can more easily get started working with Postgre SQL. Getting started with Postgre SQL doesn’t have to be a challenge and this book will help.