Popular struggles in the global south suggest the need for the development of new and politically enabling categories of analysis, and new ways of understanding contemporary social movements. This book shows how social movements in Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East politicize development in an age of neoliberal hegemony.
PART I: STRUGGLES OVER DISPOSSESSION: SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND THE STATE IN THE GLOBAL SOUTH Labour Protest and Hegemony in Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula; J.Chalcraft Choice from No Choice; Rights for the Left? The State, Law and the Struggle against Prepayment Water Meters in South Africa; J.Dugard Neo-Liberalism and Counter-Hegemony in the Global South: Re-Imagining the State; M.Boden ‘Not Suspended in Mid-Air’: Critical Reflections on Subaltern Encounters with the Indian State; A.G.Nilsen PART II: EPISTEMOLOGIES OF RESISTANCE: SOCIAL MOVEMENTS, COLLECTIVE LEARNING, AND THE POLITICS OF KNOWLEDGE The University and the Landless Movement in Brazil: The Experience of Collective Knowledge Construction through Educational Projects in Rural Areas; S.M.Gadelha de Carvalho & J.Ernandi Mendes Generating Theory in the Bhopal Survivors’ Movement; S.Mukherjee, E.Scandrett, T. Sen & D.Shah Notes Towards Prefigurative Epistemologies; S.C.Motta Beyond Differences? Exploring Methodological Dilemmas of Activist Research in the Global South; B.Otto & P.Terhorst PART III: AGAINST NEOLIBERALISM AND BEYOND DEVELOPMENTALISM? SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND THE POSTCOLONIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Three Actors, Two Geographies, One Philosophy: The Straightjacket of Social Movements; R.D’Souza Fueling the Flames of Dignity: From Rupture To Revolution In Argentina; M.Sitrin
JOHN CHALCRAFT is Reader in the History and Politics of Empire/Imperialism in the Department of Government at the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. RADHA D’SOUZA is Reader in Law at the School of Law, University of Westminster in London, UK. JACKIE DUGARD is Executive Director of the Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI). SANDRA MARIA GADELHA DE CARVALHO is an Associate Professor at the State University of Ceará (UECE), Brazil. JOSÉ ERNANDI MENDES is an Associate Professor at the State University of Ceará (UECE), Brazil. SUROOPA MUKHERJEE teaches literature at Delhi University, India. BIRKE OTTO is a Ph D student at the Essex Business School, University of Essex, UK. EURIG SCANDRETT is Lecturer in Sociology at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK. MARINA SITRIN is a Ph D candidate in Global Sociology at Stony Brook University, USA. PHILIPP TERHORST is research-activist of transnational networks and local water movements.