The provocative title – Of the exclusionary Mercy. Intercultural Theology and Disability – represents the lack of studies on disability and disabled people in the field of Intercultural Theology. We will not find many works that consider this relevant topic. Why is research on the subject of Intercultural Theology and disability of value to the Church? For one thing, the number of persons with physical or mental impairments is more than ten percent. Second, given the possibility of impairment by illness, accident or becoming parents of a child with physical or mental impairment during lifetime, the number of those affected by the phenomenon ‘disability’ is much higher. Third, international humanitarian and social efforts to integrate persons with physical or mental impairments by inclusion and participation are increasingly replacing the Church’s mission to the poor and marginalized. Humanitarian and social approaches are outdoing Christian efforts, if she is not increasingly pro-actively engaged.
Samuel W. Groß ist wissenschaftlicher Assistent, Dr. Eberhard Werner Direktor des ‘Netzwerk Disability Studies und interkulturelle Theologie’ (Ne DSITh) in Gießen.