Here’s how to make purposeful system change happen!
The world faces a multitude of crises that demand transformative changes in how we live and do business. Yet a core question is… how to make purposeful transformation happen? Catalyzing Transformation shows the way through:
- Innovative organizing processes that anyone can use to catalyze purposeful whole system transformational change for a better world.
- How transformation catalysts work to organize purposeful, self-aware transformation systems that can tackle complex systemic challenges.
- Three processes— connecting (seeing, understanding, and making sense of the system), cohering (co-creatively developing shared goals and action plans), and amplifying (implementing, evaluating, and elaborating effective transformative action).
- Design guidelines for leaders stewarding change efforts in context-appropriate ways.
Whether you catalyze social changer, responsible businesses, activists, policymakers, or students of change, Catalyzing Transformation can help!
Dr. Sandra Waddock, Galligan Chair of Strategy, Carroll School Scholar of Corporate Responsibility, and Professor of Management at Boston College’s Carroll School of Management, has published about 180 papers and chapters and 15 books. Her books include Building the Responsible Enterprise with Andreas Rasche, The Difference Makers, Intellectual Shamans, and Transforming towards Life-Centered Economies.