Rosa Maria Ballardini (LL.M, Ph D, title of Docent) is a professor of intellectual property law and vice dean (research) at the University of Lapland/Facultyof Law. Since 2005 she has researched and taught in the field of intellectual property (IP) law at various universities. Rosa’s research interests focus on the interface between law, technology and sustainability as well as ethics and empathy. She has led several inter-disciplinary research projects and written extensively on this intersection, especially in relation to patent and copyright law, open innovation and open source, as well as IP strategies and IP management in various technological contexts (e.g. software, 3D printing, Artificial Intelligence, industrial internet and digital cultural heritage). Her research approach is multidisciplinary, combining law, technology, business and policy via using different types of methodologies (e.g. traditional legal research methods, empirical methods and design thinking in legal studies). Rosa is also active in society, holding positions trust in several organizations related to intellectual property (e.g. Member of the Board of the Finnish Copyright Council, Chair of the Board of the IPR University Center).
Prof. Dr. Robert van den Hoven van Genderen is since 2019 professor of AI & Robotlaw at the University of Lapland (ULap) as professor of practice, from 2022 on prof. of research for the HIPE project on emotional data for ULap. He further was director of the Center for Law and Internet and Intellectual Property (CLI) of the law faculty of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (em. VU). He is also a visiting professor at Kyushu University in Japan and the National University of Taiwan (NTU). He is chairman of the Dutch Association for AI and Robot Law (NVAIR). He studied law and international relations at the University of Amsterdam and obtained his Ph D at the Free University of Amsterdam in the field of privacy violations by governments by invasive technology. He lectured at the VU on media and communication law, privacy law, internet law and artificial intelligence and law (robot law), lectures at the Netherlands Governmental Academy of Lawmakers and has publishedseveral books and articles on mentioned topics. In the past he was a special adviser to the UN and the Council of Europe on privacy, Legal ex. Officer at a EU anti-terror and anti-money laundering project (Hemolia) and has worked for a long time in the telecom sector for the Netherlands Employers Organization(VNO-NCW) and as a board member of BT Nederland and Telfort, chairman of the legal working group of the GSMA, and CEO of SURF networks for higher education. In addition to his current scientific work, he is also a consulting partner of Switchlegal International Lawyers in Amsterdam and a former member of the editorial board of “Computerrecht”. Since 2022 he is Member of a supervisory council in a Class Action on privacy breaks in Covid personal data against the State of the Netherlands.
Sari Järvinen, M.Sc. (Mathematics and Information Processing Science), is working at VTT since 1999, currently as a Senior Scientist and Project Manager (IPMA-C) in Human-centric AI team. Her expertise includes service and information system development, communication technologies and information management. In her current position, she is responsible of planning and leading multimodal data analytics projects for specific customer needs in various application domains. Her main research interest is in usage of real-time people behaviour information for creation of novel applications and interaction solutions. Recently, she is focusing on acquisition and utilization of human behaviour data to enable creation of new types of smart spaces with dynamic services capable of reacting to human behaviour and needs in real-time. The captured data can be used to measure e.g. the performance of a retail space, utilization rate of a shared office space or passenger experience in public transport. She has participated to several EU and EUREKA/ITEA framework projects including e.g. FP5-MTM, ITEA-CANDELA, ITEA2-Expe Share, FP7-D-Sen S, H2020-Starlight, ITEA3-Inno Sale, HEU-t Extended, and to several national and commercial research projects. She is actively following and contributing to the academic research with a special interest in taking the research results to actual usage in the industry.
1 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Sari Järvinen
Rosa Ballardini & Rob van den Hoven van Genderen: Emotional Data Applications and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Society
This revolutionary new book on using AI to process human emotion data seeks to raise awareness for the topic, thoroughly discuss it from a multidisciplinary perspective and, by doing so, disseminate …