‘This volume provides anyone using technology-enhancedassessments as part of organizational selection, promotion, ordevelopment programs, or considering their use, with bothcutting-edge discussions of critical measurement issues anddetailed examples of ongoing HR systems that highlight theopportunities and challenges of such assessments.’ –James L.Farr, professor, Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
‘Assessment systems provide an efficient means to evaluate anddeploy talent across our global business. Technology-Enhanced Assessment of Talent highlights the science behind thesetechnologies, as well as cutting-edge solutions shown to beeffective in running the talent side of business.’ –David A.Rodriguez, Ph.D., executive vice president, Global Human Resources, Marriott International, Inc.
The Jossey-Bass SIOP Professional Practice Series was launchedin 1988 to provide I-O psychologists, organizational scientists andpractitioners, human resources professionals, managers, executivesand those interested in organizational behavior and performancewith volumes that are insightful, current, informative and relevantto organizational practice. The volumes seek to inform thoseinterested in practice with guidance, insights and advice on how toapply the concepts, findings, methods, and tools derived fromindustrial and organizational psychology to solve human-relatedorganizational problems.
Foreword by Allen I. Kraut, Baruch College/Kraut Associatesxiii
The Editors xvii
The Contributors xix
Preface xxxv
Acknowledgments xxxvii
1. Overview of Technology-Enhanced Assessments 1
Nancy T. Tippins
Section One: Measurement and Implementation Issues in Technology-Enhanced Assessments 19
2. Foundations for Measurement 21
John C. Scott and Alan D. Mead
3. Implementing Assessment Technologies 66
Douglas H. Reynolds
4. Cheating and Response Distortion on Remotely Delivered Assessments 99
Winfred Arthur, Jr., and Ryan M. Glaze
5. Computerized Adaptive Testing 153
Rodney A. Mc Cloy and Robert E. Gibby
6. Applicant Reactions to Technology-Based Selection: What We Know So Far 190
Talya N. Bauer, Donald M. Truxillo, Kyle Mack, and Ana B.Costa
7. International Issues, Standards, and Guidelines 224
Dave Bartram
Section Two: Case Studies of Technology-Enhanced Assessments251
8. Web-Based Management Simulations: Technology-Enhanced Assessment for Executive-Level Selection and Development 253
Terri Mc Nelly, Brian J. Ruggeberg, and Carrol Ray Hall, Jr.
9. Bridging the Digital Divide Across a Global Business:Development of a Technology-Enabled Selection System for Low-Literacy Applicants 267
Adam Malamut, David L. Van Rooy, and Victoria A. Davis
10. Promotional Assessment at the FBI: How the Search for a High-Tech Solution Led to a High-Fidelity Low-Tech Simulation293
Amy D. Grubb
11. Innovation in Senior-Level Assessment and Development: Grab’Em When and Where You Can 307
Sandra B. Hartog
12. Case Study of Technology-Enhanced Assessment Centers324
Rick Hense and Jay Janovics
13. Video-Based Testing at U.S. Customs and Border Protection338
Jeffrey M. Cucina, Henry H. Busciglio, Patricia Harris Thomas, Norma F. Callen, De Lisa D. Walker, and Rebecca J. Goldenberg Schoepfer
14. Going Online with Assessment: Putting the Science of Assessment to the Test of Client Need and 21st Century Technologies355
Eugene Burke, John Mahoney-Phillips, Wendy Bowler, and Kate Downey
15. Implementing Computer Adaptive Tests: Successes and Lessons Learned 380
Mike Fetzer and Tracy Kantrowitz
16. Practice Agenda: Innovative Uses of Technology-Enhanced Assessment 394
Michael J. Zickar and Christopher J. Lake
17. Concluding Comments: Open Questions 418
Seymour Adler
Name Index 437
Subject Index 445
Nancy T. Tippins, Ph.D., is a Senior Vice President and Managing Principal of Valtera Corporation where she is responsiblefor the development and execution of firm strategies related toemployee selection and assessment as well as leadershipdevelopment. She is a past president of SIOP and remains active inprofessional affairs, serving on a number of committees developingstandards for tests and assessments.
Seymour Adler, Ph.D., is Senior Vice President and chiefstrategist for the Talent consulting practice at Aon Hewitt.Seymour helps manage the development and delivery of Aon Hewitt’ssolutions across the areas of selection, assessment, leadershipdevelopment, engagement, organizational transformation, and humanresource effectiveness.
A division of the American Psychological Association andestablished in 1945, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology is the premier association forprofessional charged with enhancing human well-being andperformance in organizational and work settings. They have morethan 7, 000 members.