“Who does God say you are?” and, “How do your personal identity statements impact your view of him, the way you think about yourself, and your choices about how to live your life?” Who Am I? is a resource, in devotional format, that will assist you as a leader to map out these key questions and expose any internal lies you believe on this topic about yourself, and then it will help you rediscover the powerful truth of who you are in Christ. This devotional explores 22 key identity-in-Christ statements through a process of 1] interaction with Scripture, 2] the use of application questions, and 3] space for your own personal reflections using a journal/sketch format. This resource can be used personally, collectively, or as a discipleship tool that prepares and positions the heart of any Christian to fully experience God, interact with His Spirit, and be more fully alive in Jesus.
For over a decade Steve has directed the Arrow Leadership Program in North America and he now serves as President. Steve has journeyed alongside hundreds of Christian leaders leveraging his leadership experience serving in local church, denominational, parachurch and marketplace roles.
A graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University (H.B.B.A.), Tyndale Seminary (M.Div.) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (D.Min.), Steve’s goal is to equip leaders to cultivate spiritual vibrancy, develop healthy and holy character, grow deep relationships and leverage their leadership for maximum impact.
Steve is also the author of Great Questions for Leading Well as well as the primary contributor to free leadership e-resources at www.sharpeningleaders.com.