Professor Qi Huang, School of Energy Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Professor Huang received his Ph.D degree from Arizona State University, USA, in 2003. He is currently Deputy Dean of the School of Energy Science and Engineering, UESTC, and the Director of Sichuan State Provincial Lab of Power System Wide-area Measurement and Control. His current research and academic interests include power system high performance computing, power system instrumentation, power system monitoring and control, and integration of distributed generation into the existing power system infrastructure.? Professor Huang is the author of more than 130 technical papers, and is a Senior Member of IEEE. He has been the technical program chair of ICSGCE (International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies) since 2011.
Wei Zhen, Senior Engineer, Sichuan Electric Power Test & Research Institute, China
Zhen received his BS degree in power system automation in 1982, from Xi”an Jiaotong University, China. His research fields include power system relay protection, power system analysis and state-of-the-art technology development.
Dr. Shi Jing is currently an assistant professor at UESTC. His current research fields include distributed measurement and control, smart grid and time synchronization technology for power system.
Dr. Jianbo Yi is now a lecturer working in the Key Lab of Wide-area Control and Measurement on Power System of Sichuan province in UESTC. His main research interest covers wide area measurement and analysis on power system and power system fault diagnosis.
3 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Shi Jing
Qi Huang & Shi Jing: Innovative Testing and Measurement Solutions for Smart Grid
Focuses on sensor applications and smart meters in the newly developing interconnected smart grid * Focuses on sensor applications and smart meters in the newly developing interconnected smart grid * …
Qi Huang & Shi Jing: Innovative Testing and Measurement Solutions for Smart Grid
Focuses on sensor applications and smart meters in the newly developing interconnected smart grid * Focuses on sensor applications and smart meters in the newly developing interconnected smart grid * …
Shi Jing & 石晶: 2020黄昏恋
新冠疫情恶魔般诡异,以迅雷不及掩耳之势,疯狂突袭意大利伦巴第贝加莫收割人头。瞬间80% 的老人成了这场灾难最大的弱势群体,许多人来不及被送进医院就已经死在了家中。几乎每一个人都有失去的亲人。没有硝烟的战争啊,比战争场面还要惨烈!俩位幸存活着的老人,他们顿悟!与其战战兢兢的等死,不如勇敢从容淡定的生。 他们互相鼓励支撑,与时间赛跑与病毒抗争。 他们更加懂得尊重生命,不离不弃生死相依,携手奔赴白衣战 …