This monograph solely presents the Fowler-Nordheim field emission (FNFE) from semiconductors and their nanostructures. The materials considered are quantum confined non-linear optical, III-V, II-VI, Ge, Te, carbon nanotubes, Pt Sb2, stressed materials, Bismuth, Ga P, Gallium Antimonide, II-V, Bi2Te3, III-V, II-VI, IV-VI and Hg Te/Cd Te superlattices with graded interfaces and effective mass superlattices under magnetic quantization and quantum wires of the aforementioned superlattices. The FNFE in opto-electronic materials and their quantum confined counterparts is studied in the presence of light waves and intense electric fields on the basis of newly formulated electron dispersion laws that control the studies of such quantum effect devices. The importance of band gap measurements in opto-electronic materials in the presence of external fields is discussed from this perspective. This monograph contains 200 open research problems which form the very core and are useful for Ph. D students and researchers. The book can also serve as a basis for a graduate course on field emission from solids.
PART–I: FOWLER-NORDHEIM FIELD EMISSION FROM QUANTUM WIRES AND SUPERLATTICES OF NON-PARABOLIC MATERIALS.- Field emission from quantum wires of non-parabolic materials.- Field emission from quantum wire superlattices of non-parabolic materials.- Field emission from quantum confined materials under magnetic quantization.- Field emission from super lattices of non-parabolic materials under magnetic quantization.- PART–II: FOWLER-NORDHEIM FIELD EMISSION FROM QUANTUM CONFINED OPTOELECTRONIC MATERIALS IN THE PRESENCE OF LIGHT WAVES.- Field emission from quantum confined materials in the presence of light waves.- PART – III: FOWLER-NORDHEIM FIELD EMISSION FROM QUANTUM CONFINED OPTOELECTRONIC MATERIALS IN THE PRESENCE OF INTENCE ELECTRIC FIELD.- Field emission from quantum confined optoelectronic materials.- Applications and Brief Review of Experimental Results.
PROF. DR. ENG. KAMAKHYA PRASAD GHATAK author of another Springer book, ‘Electric Power in Nanostructured Materials under Strong Magnetic Field’ to be published in 2010. All Indian Council for Technical Education selected his Research & Development project for the best project award in Electronics and second best research project award considering all the branches of Engineering for the year 2006. DR. SITANGSHU BHATTACHARYA obtained his M. Sc. and Ph.D Degree from Electronic Science of the University of Calcutta and Jadavpur University, India in 2003 and 2009 respectively and is presently working at the Centre for Electronics Design and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. His current work involves the investigations of transport properties of different nanoscaled materials and devices under various external conditions. He is the co-author of more than 40 scientific research papers in different aspects of nanostructures in international peer-reviewed journals of high repute. He is also the co-author of three aforementioned research monographs.His present research interests are the quantum effect devices and nonlinearities. Besides, he is an invited speaker in different reputed International Conferences on nanoscale systems and devices.