Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on the aims and ideals of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. “Our aim is not, either, to found a religion or a school of philosophy or a school of Yoga, but to create a ground and a way of spiritual growth and experience which will bring down a greater Truth beyond the mind but not inaccessible to the human soul and consciousness. All can pass who are drawn to that Truth, whether they are from India or elsewhere, from the East or from the West. All may find great difficulties in their personal or common human nature; but it is not their physical origin or their racial temperament that can be an insuperable obstacle to their deliverance.” (Sri Aurobindo)
I. Preliminary
Spiritual Life – Religious Life – Ordinary Life
The Object of Our Yoga
The Entire Purpose of Yoga
Satyayuga – The Age of Truth
II. We Have Set Out to Conquer the World for God
The Integral Yoga – A Spiritual Adventure
Life We Must Accept in Our Yoga
A Conditions for a New Collective Life
III. Steps On the Way
Collective Progress and Individual Progress
The Most Useful Work
IV. Spiritual Community
The Necessity for a True Communal Life
The Foundation of the Ashram
Acceptance and Admission
The Aim and Purpose of the Ashram
The Ashram – A Laboratory
Yoga Centres
The Ideal Centre
V. To the Sadhaks
If You Want to Be a True Doer of Divine Works
Some Advices
Rules and Discipline
I Am With You