Teacher educators live hectic lives at institutional and discipline boundaries. Our greatest potential for influence is through developing relationships with others in our practice. Our work is fundamentally relational and emotional. We are obligated to the teachers we teach and the public students they teach. Our practice exists in the midst of experience, conflicting and often hostile boundaries, and between what we know from research and what we understand from practice. Self-study of practice invites researchers to embrace the hectic and fragmented territory of practice as the space for study.
This book educates those who would like to explore practice in the methodology of self-study. It provides both a pragmatic and theoretic guide. It grounds the research in ontology and establishes dialogue as the inquiry process. It supports researchers through the use of frameworks to guide research and explication of strategies for conducting it.
Making Connections
Chapter 1: Arriving at self-study
Making Connections
Chapter 2: The self, the Other and Practice in Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher
Education Practices Research
Making Connections
PAUSE: Introduction of Framework-For-Inquiry and Framework-For-Analysis Chart
Inquiry Planner
Inquiry Analysis Tool
Mary Lynn’s Example Planner
Chapter 3: Questions of Practice
Making Connections
PAUSE: Situating Self-Study Within the Terrain of Research
Chapter 4: Context and Dialogue in the Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education
Practices Research
Making Connections
Exploring Dialogue as a Foundation of Knowing Activity
PAUSE: Research Design – Can You Identify A Self-Study?
Characteristics of Research Design Activity
Chapter 5: Data Collection in the Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education
Practices Research
Making Connections
In-of-for Practice Activity
PAUSE: Reconsideration of Frameworks for Inquiry and Analysis
Chapter 6: Data Analysis and Interpretation in the Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher
Education Practices Research
Making Connections
Chapter 7: Developing Value for the Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education
Practices Research by Establishing Trustworthiness and Being Trustworthy
Making Connections
PAUSE: Reexamination Of the Frameworks and Presentation of Study
Chapter 8: Pragmatic and Theoretical Conclusions for Conducting Self-Study of
Teaching and Teacher Education Practices Research
Making Connections
PAUSE: Comparison Of General Qualitative Research and Self-Study of Teaching and
Teacher Education Practices Research Methodologies
Castle Conference Proceedings Readings for In-Of-For Practice Activity
Working with Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
Glossary of Some Terms