Let’s face it: Everyone’s a little bit racist. So why not talk about it the only way we can, this side of warfare — via humor? In
The White Guy, Stephen Hunt tries to come to grips with his whiteness in order to continue to rule the world, amass the bulk of its wealth, and generally dominate things as his people have done for the past 2, 000 years, give or take a few odd moments like the rise of Attila the Hun, the rule of the 7th-century Caliphate, or the ’70s. Then again, if you’re not a white guy, this is the ultimate insider’s guide to the minds of the men responsible for everything that’s wrong with the world or your life: apartheid, colonialism, ethnic cleansing, the glass ceiling, patriarchy, serial killing, NASCAR, K-tel® Records, even the theft of rock ‘n’ roll.
The White Guy humorously turns racial politics on its head, while delivering a subtle message about tolerance.
Clothes, or Plumage
Cuisine of the White Male
Mood-Altering Substances
Habitat, or Home and Hearth
Spiritual Beliefs, or The Things That Matter Most
Emotional Life
Mating Habits
Interlude A – The Quest for Authenticity
White Guy Culture
Interlude B – The Pursuit of Excellence vs. The New Mediocrity
The White Guy in Human History
Political Systems, or Notes on Our Three-Thousand-Year Winning Streak
White Guys aorund the World
Twenty-First-Century White Guy
Optional Ending, for People Who Don’t Have Time to Read the Whole Book
Stephen Hunt has covered arts and entertainment for
Sports Illustrated,
The Los Angeles Times,
The New York Press,
Saturday Night as well National Public Radio, Britain’s FQ, Chile’s El Mercurio Wiken and Italian
Rolling Stone. He has had a number of plays produced Off Broadway, including
The White Guy, purchased for television by Warner Brothers and Quincy Jones in 1999.