Media Space: 20+ Years of Mediated Life is loosely divided into three different, but interconnected, approaches to media space research. Each part opens with an introduction that lays out how readers can best approach the book, and provides a basic guide to the theory and research literature, technological developments and other notable events to help contextualize the book. The ‘social ‘ approach uses the rhetoric and methods familiar to a CSCW audience, but moves into actual situations that involve close working bonds, broken trust, shared joy, community building, interpersonal tension, anxiety etc. The section on ‘spatial’ approaches guides the reader through an intellectual landscape of spatiality, the ‘communications’ part is a field guide to sense-making in the as-lived mediated condition, demonstrating that media space sense-making combines an understanding of in-the-moment alongside sense made of existence in the world and reflecting upon it.
An Introduction to Media Space.- A Brief History of Media Space Research and Mediated Life.- Section 1: The Social Space.- Creating Assemblies in Media Space: Recent Developments in Enhancing Access to Workspaces.- From Media Spaces to Emplaced Media: Digital Poster Boards and Community Connectedness.- Social Catalysts for Creating Sociable Media Spaces.- Privacy Factors in Video-Based Media Spaces.- Affect and Dyads: Conflict Across Different Technological Media.- The Watcher and the Watched: Social Judgments about Privacy in a Public Place.- (Dis)connecting Cultures: The Diary of a Short Lived Media Space.- Section 2: The Space of Media Space.- Constructing Space.- Mediaspace – Meaningspace – Meetingspace.- Media Space, After 20 Years.- From Analog to Digital, from the Office to the Living Room: Why I Happily Worked in a Media Space but Don’t Live in One.- The Video Window: My Life with a Ludic System.- Section 3: Communications.- Bringing Media Spaces Back to the Streets.- Media Spaces and Mobile Video Telephony.- Media Spaces, Emergency Response and Palpable Technologies.- Videoconferencing and Connected Rooms.- The Halo B2B Studio.- Presence in Video-Mediated Interactions: Case Studies at CSIRO.- Build It: Will They Come?.- Section 4: Where Are We?.- Fast Forward: Applying Media Space Experiences to Current Technologies.- Reflecting on Several Metaphors of MUD-Based Media Spaces.- Making Contact.