This comprehensive book describes well-defined models of music therapy for working with families in different clinical areas, ranging from families with special needs children or dying family members through to families in psychiatric or paediatric hospital settings.
International contributors explain the theoretical background and practice of their specific approach, including an overview of research and illustrative case examples. Particular emphasis is placed on connecting theory and clinical practice and on discussing the challenges and relevance of each model. This practical and theoretically anchored book will prove valuable for music therapists, students and researchers in the fast developing field of music therapy with families.
Foreword. Actual Families, Possible Practices. Brynjulf Stige, University of Bergen, Norway. Preface. Stine Lindahl Jacobsen, Aalborg University, Denmark and Grace Thompson, University of Melbourne, Australia. 1. Three Little Wonders – Music Therapy with Families in Neonatal Care. Friederike Haslbeck, Clinic of Neonatology, University Hospital Zurich & University Hospital Bern, Switzerland. 2. Working with Families in the Acute Paediatric Medical Setting. Annette Baron, Monash Children’s, Victoria, Australia. 3. Music Therapy with Families in a Psychiatric Children’s Unit. Amelia Oldfield, Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom. 4. Families with Preschool Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Grace Thompson. 5. Music-Oriented Counselling Model for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Tali Gottfried, M.A.A.T, David-Yellin College, Israel. 6. Families and Music Early Learning Programs: Boppin’ Babies. Vicky Abad, Boppin’ Babies and University of Queensland, Australia and Margaret Barrett, University of Queensland, Australia. 7. Building Stronger Families through Music: Sing and Grow Group Programs for Families At-Risk. Kate Teggelove, Pa KT4Change Ltd, Australia. 8. Music Therapy and Theraplay: Creating, Repairing and Strengthening the Attachment Bond in Foster and Adoptive Families. Kirsi Tuomi, Palvelukeskus Luovat Tuulet, Finland. 9. Child Protection: Music Therapy with Families and Emotionally Neglected Children. Stine Lindahl Jacobsen. 10. Families and Children at Risk. Varvara Paiali, Queens University of Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA. 11. To Recreate Hope and Dignity: Music Therapy with Refugee Children with Pervasive Refusal Syndrome. Sören Oscarsson Outpatient Clinic for Child Psychiatry in Vastmanland County Council, Sweden. 12. Partners in Care: A Psychosocial Approach to Music Therapy and Dementia. Hanne Mette Ridder, Aalborg University, Denmark. 13. Families with Dying Family Members – A Holistic Music Therapy Approach in Palliative Care. Signe Marie Lindstrøm, Music Therapist at Kamillianer Gaardens Hospice in Aalborg, Denmark. 14. Working with Families: Emerging Characteristics. Stine Lindahl Jacobsen and Grace Thompson. About the Contributors. List of Tables. List of Figures.
Amelia Oldfield is a well-known and prestigious music therapist with over 25 years’ experience in the field. She works at the Croft Unit for Child and Family Psychiatry and at the Child Development Centre, Addenbrookes. She also lectures at Anglia Polytechnic University, where she co-initiated the MA Music Therapy Training. Amelia has completed four research investigations and a Ph D. She has also produced six music therapy training videos. She is married with four children and plays clarinet in local chamber music groups in Cambridge, UK.