Shifting the Center: Understanding Contemporary Families, Sixth Edition is a popular anthology of readings used in Sociology of Family and of Marriages/Families/Intimate Relationship courses. Editor Susan J. Ferguson brings together carefully selected pieces written by leading family researchers and drawn from a variety of scholarly sources, including articles from the leading family journals and excerpts from several classic book-length studies. She also provides background and context to help students connect the topics in the readings to the broader themes in the study of family sociology. The table of contents follows the same scope and sequence as the leading family survey texts.
About the Editor
Part I. Introduction to the Study of Families
1. Feminist Rethinking from Racial-Ethnic Families – Maxine Baca Zinn
2. LGBTQ Families – Nancy J. Mezey
3. Immigrant Families and the Shifting Color Line in the United States – Karen D. Pyke
Part II. Historical Changes and Family Variations
4. Historical Perspectives on Family Diversity – Stephanie Coontz
5. Fictive Kin, Paper Sons, and Compradazgo: Women of Color and the Struggle for Family Survival – Bonnie Thornton Dill
6. The Politics of Theorizing African American Families: Old Debates, New Directions – Shirley A. Hill
Part III. Courtship, Dating, and Self Marriage
7. Gendered Sexuality in Young Adulthood: Double Binds and Flawed Options – Laura Hamilton and Elizabeth A. Armstrong
8. We Can Write the Scripts Ourselves: Queer Challenges to Heteronormative Courtship Practices – Ellen Lamont
9. Happily-Ever After: Self-Marriage, the Claim of Wellness, and Temporal Ownership – Kinneret Lahad and Michal Kravel-Tovi
Part IV. Marriage, Cohabitation, and Partnership
10. We Can’t Build Our Social System Around Marriage Anymore – Philip N. Cohen
11. Marriage: The Good, the Bad, and the Greedy – Naomi Gerstel and Natalia Sarkisian
12. Marital Status and Perceived Discrimination Among Transgender People – Hui Liu and Lindsey Wilkinson
13. Clashing Dreams: Highly Educated Overseas Brides and Low-Wage U.S. Husbands – Hung Cam Thai
14. Older Adults Developing a Preference for Living Apart Together – Jacquelyn J. Benson and Marilyn Coleman
15. Intimacy and Emotion Work in Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Relationships – Deb Umberson, Mieke Beth Thomeer, and Amy C. Lodge
Part V. Motherhood and Fatherhood
16. Shifting the Center: Race, Class, and Feminist Theorizing About Motherhood – Patricia Hill Collins
17. Mothering From a Distance: Emotions, Gender, and Intergenerational Relations in Filipino Transnational Families – Rhacel Salazar Parreñas
18. When Paid Work Invades the Family: Single Mothers in the Covid-19 Pandemic – Rosanna Hertz, Jane Mattes, and Alexandria Shook
19. Fathering: Paradoxes, Contradictions, and Dilemmas – Scott Coltrane
20. Stealing My Opportunity to Be a Father – Brittany Pearl Battle
21. The Father as an Idea – Rosanna Hertz
Part VI. Parenting, Children, and Intergenerational Relationships
22. Not-so-Nuclear Families: Class, Gender, and Networks of Care – Karen V. Hansen
23. Emotional Life on the Market Frontier – Arlie Hochschild
24. Out of Sorts: Adoption and (Un)Desirable Children – Katherin M. Flower Kim
25. The Gendered Buffet: LGBTQ Parents Resisting Heteronormativity – Kate Henley Averett
26. Invisible Inequality: Social Class and Childrearing in Black Families and White Families – Annette Lareau
27. Consumption as Care and Belonging: Economies of Dignity in Children′s Daily Lives – Allison J. Pugh
28. Intergenerational Relationships in Later Life: The Elderly, Their Adult Children, and Their Grandchildren – Roberta L. Coles
Part VII. Divorce, Remarriage, and Blended Families
29. Remarriage and Stepfamilies: Strategic Sites for Family Scholarship in the 21st Century – Megan M. Sweeney
30. The Effects of Religion on Remarriage among American Women: Evidence from the National Survey of Family Growth – Susannah M. Brown and Jeremy Porter
31. Boundary Ambiguity in Gay Stepfamilies: Perspectives of Gay Biological Fathers and Their Same-Sex Partners – David A. Jenkins
Part VIII. Families and Violence
32. Gender, Diversity, and Violence: Extending the Feminist Framework – Kersti A. Yllö
33. Lifting the Veil of Secrecy: Domestic Violence Against South Asian Women in the United States – Staya P. Krishnan and Malahat Baig-Amin et al.
34. Making the Invisible Visible: LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence – Adam M. Messinger
Part IX. Families, Work, and Carework
35. There′s No Such Thing as Having it All: Gender, Work, and Care in an Age of Insecurity – Kathleen Gerson
36. Gender, Parenting, and the Rise of Remote Work During the Pandemic: Implications for Domestic Inequality in the United States – Allison Dunatchik, Kathleen Gerson, Jennifer Glass, Jerry A. Jacobs, and Harley Stritzel
37. Negotiating Work and Parenting over the Life Course: Mexican Family Dynamics in a Binational Context – Joanna Dreby
38. Great Expectations? Working- and Middle-Class Cohabitors Expected and Actual Divisions of Housework – Amanda J. Miller and Daniel L. Carlson
39. No Place Like Home: The Division of Domestic Labor in Lesbigay Families – Christopher Carrington
40. Creating a Caring Society – Evelyn Nakano Glenn
Part X. Families and Poverty
41. Severe Deprivation in America: An Introduction – Matthew Desmond
42. Understanding the Dynamics of a $2-a-Day Poverty in the United States – H. Luke Shaefer, Kathryn Edin, and Elizabeth Talbert
43. Unmarried with Children – Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas
44. States Must Continue Recent Momentum to Further Improve TANF Benefit Levels: Benefit Increases Can Promote Racial Equity and Child Well-Being – Ali Safawi and Cindy Reyes
Susan J. Ferguson is a professor of sociology at Grinnell College, where she regularly teaches a seminar on the family. Ferguson also teaches Introduction to Sociology, and her critically acclaimed anthology, Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology (SAGE Publications, Ninth Edition, 2021) is used in introductory sociology classes around the country. Ferguson also teaches a first-year seminar, courses on the sociology of health and illness and global health, and a seminar on intersectionality and identity. Ferguson has published research in the areas of medical sociology and on the family. Her co-edited book Breast Cancer: Society Shapes an Epidemic (Palgrave, 2000) is highly praised by medical practitioners and health activists alike. Ferguson also has an anthology on social inequality, Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Social Class: Dimensions of Inequality and Identity (SAGE Publications, Third Edition, 2020). In addition, Ferguson is the general editor of a series of research monographs on the family, Contemporary Family Perspectives (SAGE Publications). During fall 2016, Ferguson taught three courses on the inaugural Colorado State University Semester at Sea voyage, including the Sociology of Gender, Introduction to Sociology, and Global Studies. In 2018, Ferguson received the ASA Hans O. Mauksch Award for Contributions to Undergraduate Teaching, and in 2021, she received the ASA Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award. Ferguson currently is working on several national projects related to the sociology curriculum.