Published by Blackwell in association with the British Psychological Society,
Health Psychology in Practice provides a comprehensive overview of the UK professional Stage 2 Qualification in Health Psychology.
- An essential text for professional training in health psychology, both for trainees and teachers and supervisors contributing to health psychology courses.
- Published in association with the British Psychological Society.
- Covers the core competencies necessary for qualification as a health psychologist.
- Includes sections on professional issues, research, consultancy and interventions, teaching and training and other professional roles.
- The final chapter contains a series of individual commentaries on health psychology training in a variety of countries, which will be of great interest to an international audience.
- The editors helped to establish the British Psychological Society’s health psychology professional training programme.
Foreword: John Weinman (King’s College London).
1. Health Psychology In Practice: Introduction: Susan Michie And Charles Abraham.
Part I: Training Models:.
2. Training In Health Psychology: The UK Model: Susan Michie, Charles Abraham And Marie Johnston (University Of St Andrews).
3. International Commentaries: The European Framework: Teresa Mendonça Mcintyre (University Of Minho); Susan Folkman (University Of California At San Francisco); Susan J. Paxton (La Trobe University); Hannah Mcgee (Royal College Of Surgeons In Ireland); Denise De Ridder And Karlein Schreurs (Utrecht University) And Teresa Mendonça Mcintyre.
Part II: Research:.
4. Using Theory In Research: Charles Abraham.
5. Planning Research: Design, Sample, Measures: Stephen Sutton (University Of Cambridge) And David P. French (University Of Birmingham).
6. Analysing And Reporting Data In Health Research: Daniel B. Wright And Kate Kelley (University Of Sussex).
7. Designing And Conducting Qualitative Studies: Sheila Payne (University Of Sheffield).
8. Planning And Conducting Systematic Reviews: Mark Petticrew (University Of Glasgow) And Simon Gilbody (University Of Leeds).
9. Writing Grant Applications: Stanton Newman (University College London).
10. Writing For Publication: Susan Michie And Robert West (St George’s Hospital Medical School, London).
Part III: Consultancy And Interventions:.
11. Using Theory In Psychological Interventions: Gerjo Kok And Herman Schaalma (Maastricht University).
12. Consultancy: Planning, Implementation And Evaluation: Louise Earll (Gloucestershire Royal Hospital) And Julian Bath (Gloucestershire Royal Hospital).
13. Health Psychology Within Organizational Contexts: Eamonn Ferguson (University Of Nottingham) And Máire Kerrin (City University London).
14. Changing Behaviour To Improve Health: Paul Bennett (University Of Wales, Swansea); Mark Conner (University Of Leeds) And Gaston Godin (Laval University).
15. Studying And Changing Health Care Professionals’ Behaviour: Anne Walker (University Of Aberdeen).
Part IV: Training And Teaching:.
16. Developing And Evaluating Training And Teaching: Helen Winefield (University Of Adelaide).
17. Supervising Effectively: Sandra Horn (University Of Southampton).
Part V: Professional Roles And Practice:.
18. Health Psychology Within Health Service Settings: Claire N. Hallas (Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust, UK).
19. A Framework For Professional Practice: Susan Michie.
Susan Michie is Reader in Clinical Health Psychology at University College London.
Charles Abraham is Professor of Psychology at the University of Sussex.
Both are Chartered Psychologists, Fellows of the BPS and approved Stage 2 supervisors.