This book presents a projector analysis of dynamic systems on time scales. The dynamic systems are classified as first, second, third and fourth kinds. For each classes of dynamic systems the basic matrix chains are constructed. The proposed theory is applied for decoupling of dynamic equations on time scales. Properly involved derivatives, constraints and consistent initial values for the considered equations are defined. A linearization for nonlinear dynamic systems is introduced and the total derivative for regular linearized equations with tractability index one is investigated.
Svetlin G. Georgiev works on various aspects of mathematics. His current research focuses on harmonic analysis, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, fractional calculus, time scale calculus, integral equations, numerical analysis, differential geometry, and dynamic geometry.
Khaled Zennir: was born in Algeria 1982. He received his Ph D in Mathematics in 2013 from Sidi Bel Abbès University, Algeria (Assist. professor). He is now associate Professor at Qassim University, KSA. His research interests lie in Nonlinear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations: Global Existence, Blow-Up, and Long Time Behavior.