The book presents high quality research papers presented by experts in the International Conference on Internet Computing and Information Communications 2012, organized by ICICIC Global organizing committee (on behalf of The CARD Atlanta, Georgia, CREATE Conferences Inc). The objective of this book is to present the latest work done in the field of Internet computing by researchers and industrial professionals across the globe. A step to reduce the research divide between developed and under developed countries.
Secure Text Steganography.- Policy Based Energy Management in Smart Homes.- Saturation Throughput and Delay Analysis of IEEE 802.11 Broadcast Transmissions Scheme.- Spatial Query Monitoring in Wireless Broadcast Environment.- Enhancing Data Caching In Ad Hoc Networks through Benefit Based Technique.- Intrusion Detection in Cloud Computing Implementation of (SAAS & IAAS) using Grid Environment.- Inter Departure Time Analysis over Heterogeneous Platforms using Distributed IPv6 Traffic Generator Tool.- Modelling – Simulation of an Under Ground Wireless Communication Channel.- Review on Heart Sound Analysis Technique.- Solutions for Security in Mobile Agent System.- An Automatic MRI Brain Segmentation by using Adaptive Mean-Shift Clustering Framework.- Automatic Silkworm Egg Counting Mechanism for Sericulture.- Proficient Energy Consumption Algorithm using HMAC and ANT Colony Based Algorithm.- Secure Remote Access Fleet Entry Management System using UHF Band RFID.- Distributed Data Mining in the Grid Environment.- An Efficient Method for Improving Hiding Capacity for JPEG2000 Images.- Electronic Customer Relationship Management (e-CRM): Data Integration for Technical Institutions.- An Efficient Image Fusion Technique using Wavelet with PCA.- Forensic Investigation Processes for Cyber-Crime and Cyber-Space.- Feasibility Study for Implementing Brain Computer Interface using Electroencephalograph.- Scope of Cloud Computing for Multimedia Application.- Jena with SPARQL to find Indian Natural Plants used as Medicine for Diseases.- Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy by CRA (Cluster Rejection Approach).- A Review Paper on IEEE 802.11 WLAN.- Compression of Colour Image by using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform.- Review of Software Quality Metrics for Object Oriented Methodology.- RRTS: A Task Scheduling Algorithm to Minimize Makespan in Grid Environment.- A Network Survivability Approach to Resist Access Point Failure in IEEE 802.11 WLAN.- Novel 2-D Real-Valued Sinusoidal Signal Frequencies Estimation Based on Propagator Method.- Creating Network Test Set-up using Virtualization and Simulation.- Automated Graphical user Interface Regression Testing.- Video Search using Map-Reduce Framework in an Education Cloud.- Multimedia Service Delivery on Next-Generation Platforms: A Survey on the Need for Control, Adaptation and Inter-Mediation.- Generating Test Data for Path Coverage Based Testing using Genetic Algorithms.- Media Streaming Using Multiple Description Coding in Overlay Networks.- DSR and DSDV Routing Protocol Analysis using Ns2 and Association Rule Mining Technique.- Innovative Fusion of Ear and Fingerprint in Biometrics.- Performance Analysis of Various Feature Extraction Techniques in Ear Biometrics.- Mobile Agent Model with Efficient Communication for Distributed Data Mining.- Development of Locally Weighted Projection Regression for Concurrency Control in Computer Aided Design Database.- Performance Study of Combined Artificial Neural Network Algorithms for Image Steganalysis.- Implementation of Radial Basis Function Network in Content Based Video Retrieval.- Implementation of Textile Image Segmentation using Contextual Clustering and Fuzzy Logic.- Detections of Intima-Media Thickness in B-Mode Carotid Artery Images using Segmentation Methods.- An Effective Segmentation Approach for Lung CT images using Histogram Thresholding with EMD Refinement.- Analysis of Mobile Agents Applications in Distributed System.
Dr. Swamidoss Sathiakumar is working as Senior Lecturer with School of Electrical & Information Engineering in The University of Sydney, Australia. He has completed his Ph D in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, in 1985. His areas of interests include control of electric machines, realtime control with micro controllers, power converters and switching techniques, power electronics, power quality, sensing technologies, smart grid, and smart city. Dr. Sathiakumar has authored couple of books in 2012 and also published many research articles in international journals.
Dr. Lalit K. Awasthi is Professor and Head of Computer Centre in NIT, Hamirpur, India. He has completed his Ph D from IIT Roorkee, India. His areas of interests are computer networks & mobile computing, high performance computing, and sensor networks. Dr. Awasthi has over 24 years of experience in teaching, research and consultancy. He has published more than 100 research papers in reputed International journals and conferences. Delivered over 50 Keynote addresses at International/National Conferences and Faculty Development Programmes. Reviewed papers for IEEE Transactions on Computers, Elsevier International Journal of Adhoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Dependable & Secure Computing.
Dr. M. Roberts Masillamani is Dean of School of Computing Sciences at the Hindustan University, Chennai. He has completed his Doctorate from the Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, Anna University, Chennai. He is an alumnus of REC Trichy, IIT Madras, Anna University, SRM University, University of Sydney, and Haggai Institute, USA. Dr. Roberts has 37 years of industrial, administration, academic and research experience. He has to his credit more than 100 technical papers in refereed international journals and conferences. One patent is pending at the Indian Patent Office, Go I. He is serving as Chairman and member of different boards invarious universities.
Prof. S.S. Sridhar is currently working as Professor with Department of Computer Science Engineering in SRM University, Chennai, India. Prof. Sridhar is pursuing Ph D in Artificial Neural Networks from SRM University. He has teaching experience of more than 20 years and his areas of interests include artificial neural networks, pattern recognition and image processing. He has published several papers in international journals and conference proceedings.