This volume brings together a group of logic-minded philosophers and philosophically oriented logicians to address a diversity of topics on the structural analysis of non-classical logics. It mainly focuses on the construction of different types of models for various non-classical logics of current interest, including modal logics, epistemic logics, dynamic logics, and observational predicate logic. The book presents a wide range of applications of two well-known approaches in current research: (i) structural modeling of certain philosophical issues in the framework of non-classic logics, such as admissible models for modal logic, structural models for modal epistemology and for counterfactuals, and epistemological models for common knowledge and for public announcements; (ii) conceptual analysis of logical properties of, and formal semantics for, non-classical logics, such as sub-formula property, truthmaking, epistemic modality, behavioral strategies, speech acts and assertions. The structural analysis provided in this volume will appeal not only to graduate students and experts in non-classic logics, but also to readers from a wide range of disciplines, including computer science, cognitive science, linguistics, game theory and theory of action, to mention a few.
Logic and/or Truthmaking.- Socio-historical Causal Descriptivism.- Structural Models for Williamson’s Modal Epistemology.- Admissible Semantics for Modal Logic with Quantifiers: Ultraproducts and Strong Completeness.- Incompatible Paraconsistencies.- Motivating the Causal Modeling Semantics, or, How I Come to Learn to Give Up the Possible-Worlds Semantics.- On Possibilistic Justification Logic.- What If Meanings Are Not Truth Conditions?.- How to Do Semantics without Semantic Values.- Revising A Labelled Sequent Calculus for Public Announcement Logic.- Interpolation Properties in Predicate Logics.- Logic for the Urn Game.- Phenomenal Sorites Paradoxes and Measurement-Theoretic Analysis of Goodman’s Concept of Just Noticeable Difference.- Mereological Complementaion and Decidability.- Decidability of Exponential Diophantine Equations.- Channel Theoretical Reflections on Dynamic Logics of Speech Acts.- Constructive Embedding from Logics of Strict Implication to Modal Logics.- Common Knowledge and the Knowledge Account of Assertion.