Discover the experimental and theoretical developments in
optical single-molecule spectroscopy that are changing the ways we
think about molecules and atoms
The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the
chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative
evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. This
latest volume explores the advent of optical single-molecule
spectroscopy, and how atomic force microscopy has empowered novel
experiments on individual biomolecules, opening up new frontiers in
molecular and cell biology and leading to new theoretical
approaches and insights. Organized into two parts–one
experimental, the other theoretical–this volume explores
advances across the field of single-molecule biophysics, presenting
new perspectives on the theoretical properties of atoms and
molecules. Single-molecule experiments have provided fresh
perspectives on questions such as how proteins fold to specific
conformations from highly heterogeneous structures, how signal
transductions take place on the molecular level, and how proteins
behave in membranes and living cells.This volume is designed to
further contribute to the rapid development of single-molecule
biophysics research.
Filled with cutting-edge research reported in a cohesive manner
not found elsewhere in the literature, each volume of the
Advances in Chemical Physics series serves as the perfect
supplement to any advanced graduate class devoted to the study of
chemical physics.
Preface xiii
Part One Developments on Single-Molecule Experiments
Staring at a Protein: Ensemble and Single-Molecule
Investigations on Protein-Folding Dynamics 3
By Satoshi Takahashi and Kiyoto Kamagata
Single-Molecule FRET of Protein-Folding Dynamics 23
By Daniel Nettels and Benjamin Schuler
Quantitative Analysis of Single-Molecule FRET Signals and its
Application to Telomere DNA 49
By Kenji Okamoto and Masahide Terazima
Force to Unbind Ligand-Receptor Complexes and the Internal
Rigidity of Globular Proteins Probed by Single-Molecule Force
Spectroscopy 71
By Atsushi Ikai, Rehana Afrin, and Hiroshi Sekiguchi
Recent Advances in Single-Molecule Biophysics with the Use of
Atomic Force Microscopy 89
By Masaru Kawakami and Yukinori Taniguchi
Dynamical Single-Molecule Observations of Membrane Protein Using
High-Energy Probes 133
By Yuji C. Sasaki
Single-Molecular Gating Dynamics for the Kcs A Potassium Channel
By Shigetoshi Oiki, Hirofumi Shimizu, Masayuki Iwamoto, and
Takashi Konno
Static and Dynamic Disorder in IN VITRO Reconstituted
Receptor-Adaptor Interaction 195
By Hiroaki Takagi, Miki Morimatsu, and Yasushi Sako
Part Two Developments on Single-Molecule Theories and
Change-Point Localization and Wavelet Spectral Analysis of
Single-Molecule Time Series 219
By Haw Yang
Theory of Single-Molecule FRET Efficiency Histograms 245
By Irina V. Gopich and Attila Szabo
Multidimensional Energy Landscapes in Single-Molecule Biophysics
By Akinori Baba and Tamiki Komatsuzaki
Generalized Michaelis-Menten Equation for Conformation
Modulated Monomeric Enzymes 329
By Jianlan Wu and Jianshu Cao
Making it Possible: Constructing a Reliable Mechanism from a
Finite Trajectory 367
By Ophir Flomenbom
Free Energy Landscapes of Proteins: Insights from Mechanical
Probes 395
By Zu Thur Yew, Peter D. Olmsted, and Emanuele Paci
Mechanochemical Coupling Revealed by the Fluctuation Analysis of
Different Biomolecular Motors 419
By Hiroaki Takagi and Masatoshi Nishikawa
Author Index 437
Subject Index 467
Volume Editors
Tamiki Komatsuzaki is a Professor in the Molecule and Life
Nonlinear Sciences Laboratory, Research Institute for Electronic
Science at Hokkaido University in Japan. His research interests
include origin of selectivity and stochasticity of reactions,
single-molecule biophysics, as well as protein landscape and
complexity in kinetics and dynamics.
Masaru Kawakami is an Associate Professor at the Japan
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) School of
Material Science. He specializes in biophysics, single-molecule
measurement, protein folding, and structural biology, and his
research focuses on single-molecule dynamics of biomolecules.
Satoshi Takahashi is a Professor at the Institute of
Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku
University, Japan. His research focuses on protein folding and
functional dynamics.
Haw Yang is an Associate Professor in the Department of
Chemistry at Princeton University. His current research focuses on
high-resolution quantitative single-molecule protein dynamics and
real-time 3D single-particle tracking spectroscopy.
Robert J. Silbey is the Class of 1942 Professor of
Chemistry at MIT. His research involves theoretical studies of
single-molecule spectroscopy at low temperatures, energy and
electron transfer and relaxation in molecular aggregates, the
optical and electronic properties of conjugated oligomers and
polymers, and the transport of charge in organic systems.
Series Editors
Stuart A. Rice received his master’s and doctorate from Harvard
University and was a junior fellow at Harvard for two years before
joining the faculty of the University of Chicago in 1957, where he
is currently the Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor
Aaron R. Dinner received his bachelor’s degree and
doctorate from Harvard University, after which he conducted
postdoctoral research at the University of Oxford and the
University of California, Berkeley. He joined the faculty at the
University of Chicago in 2003.