Focusses on the years that Eça de Queirós lived in Paris and shows how the periodicals he conceived and edited were modeled on dozens of Victorian and American publications.
Eça de Queirós’ work has primarily been studied within the context of French literature and culture. This book presents a different Eça. Focusing on the years that he lived in Paris, it demonstrates how the periodicals he himselfconceived and edited were modeled on dozens of Victorian ones such as the
Contemporary Review, the
Review of Reviews or the
Idler, as well as on some American ones such as the
Forum, the
Arena, and the
North American Review.
This book shows us an Eça who is undeniably an Anglophile, an Eça long seduced by the diversity and originality of English thought, an Eça increasingly distant from the French cultural model which had marked his education.
Teresa Pinto Coelho is Full Professor and Chair in Anglo-Portuguese Studies at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Author’s Editorial Notes
An Invoice from Galignani’s
Revista de Portugal: An English-style Review?
Suplemento Literário da Gazeta de Notícias and the Victorian New Journalism
‘O Serão’: Finally, an English-style Magazine?
Appendix 1: Contents of the
Revista de Portugal
Appendix 2: Selected Texts [‘Ideias e Factos’]
Appendix 3: Books Published in English which are Reviewed in the
Revista de Portugal
Appendix 4: Books Published in English Announced in the
Suplemento Literário da Gazeta de Notícias do Rio de Janeiro
Sources and Selected Bibliography