An extensive update of a successful textbook on skill acquisition for sport students. Praised for its clarity of writing style and presentation the new edition will be an essential buy for those needing a practical, sport-focused introduction to the theory and application of human motor skills.
1. Skill, Ability and Performance.
2. Sensation and Perception of External Information
3. Decision Making and Working Memory
4. Reaction Time
5. Anticipation
6. Motor Control
7. Memory
8. Learning I: Types, Theories, Styles and Measurement
9. Learning II: Instruction, Practice, Transfer of Training and Feedback
10. Motivation, Arousal and Learning and Performance
11. Conclusion
Appendix 1. Writing an Academic Paper
Appendix 2. Test Your Knowledge Answers
Appendix 3. Calculating Variable Error
Terry Mc Morris University of Chichester, UK