Got 15 minutes? Sharpen your ministry to men.
Each brief chapter is packed with practical advice from leaders who have dedicated their lives to helping men become more like Jesus. Hear their stories. Learn from their mistakes. Profit from their experience. Discover how to:
– Teach and reach the male mind.
– Build and strengthen your men’s group through missions, road trips, outdoor activities, and marketplace ministry.
– Plan, market, produce, and follow up on men’s events.
– Minister to men who have lost their job, confess an addiction, or feel like they’re not even welcome at church.
– Create a team of prayer warriors.
– Mentor effectively and set up practical, authentic accountability.
– Engage millennials, and reach across racial lines.
– Become a valued partner with your senior pastor.
– Ensure your own family takes priority over your ministry.
Gain practical wisdom from Kenny Luck, Josh Mc Dowell, David Murrow, Jim Grassi of Men’s Ministry Catalyst, Brian Doyle of Iron Sharpens Iron, and many more. Collectively, contributors to this handbook have more than a thousand years of experience ministering to men.
How to Disciple Men is a labor of love from NCMM to you. Hey, we’re all in this together.
David Murrow is the best-selling author of Why Men Hate Going to Church, What Your Husband Isn’t Telling You, How Women Help Men Find God, and The Map: The Way of All Great Men. He is also the founder of Church for Men, an organization that helps congregations reach more men and boys. His website is Church For