Book 2 of the MY Big TOE trilogy. My Big TOE, written by a nuclear physicist in the language contemporary culture, unifies science and philosophy, physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, purpose and meaning, the normal and the paranormal. The entirety of human experience (mind, body, and spirit) including both our objective and subjective worlds is brought together under one seamless scientific understanding. Book 2: Discovery – Section 3 develops the interface and interaction between we the people and our digital consciousness reality. It derives and explains the characteristics, origins, dynamics, and function of ego, love, and free will. It derives our larger purpose. Finally, Section 3 develops the psi uncertainty principle as it explains and interrelates psi phenomena, free will, love, consciousness evolution, reality, human purpose, entropy and physics. Section 4 lays out an operational and functional model of consciousness that further develops the results of Section 3 and supports the conclusions of Section 5. The origins and nature of digital consciousness are described. Our physical universe, our science, and our perception of a physical reality are logically derived. The mind-matter dichotomy is solved as physical reality is directly derived from the nature of digital consciousness. The origins and nature of digital consciousness are described along with how artificial intelligence (AI), as embodied in AI Guy, leads to artificial consciousness, which leads to actual consciousness and to us. Section 4 derives our physical universe, our science, and our perception of a physical reality. The mind-matter dichotomy is solved as physical reality is directly derived from the nature of digital consciousness.
Abbreviated TOC
Synopsis of Book 1 …………………………………………………………….41
Man in the Loop
How You Fit into the Big Picture – Ego, Body,
Mind, and Purpose …………………………………………………………………….43
1 Introduction to Section 3 …………………………………………….45
2 Jeez Louise, Will That Fat Rat Ever
Find the Cheese? ………………………………………………..55
3 Cheer Up: Things Are Not as Bleak as You Might
Think. Say ‘Cheese Please, ‘ and Hold That Smile! .65
4 Does the Big Dude Have an Attitude? Do We?
Speculate! Speculate! Dance to the Music! …………..71
5 Why Us? Why Like This? – What is a Nice Being
Like You Doing in a Place Like This? …………………..77
6 A Chip Off the Old Block ……………………………………………81
It is the Thought That Counts ………………………………..81
Why Can’t We Get Our Story Straight? …………………….85
Other Dimensions …………………………………………………..88
Take Me to Your Leader ………………………………………….90
My God Is Bigger Than Your God (Sung to the
Tune of Nana, Nana, Boo, Boo) ………………………91
7 The Nature of Consciousness, Computers, and Us ……….95
8 Does the Big Dude Have Feelings or a Personality?
What Does Love Have to Do With Consciousness? 113
(The Nature Of Ego – an Aside) ……..113
9 Life and Love in the Petri Dish
Great Science, Good Plan – Now Get to Work …….129
10 What is the Point? ……………………………………………………..149
11 Mind, Brain, and Body ………………………………………………159
(Free will, Consciousness, and
Psi Effects – an Aside) ……………………………………162
12 The Chairman of the Board, and Our Probable
Relative Importance ………………………………………….185
13 Uncertainty and Manipulating the Future With Intent
The Nature of Psi Phenomena – Measurement
and Validation
Taking the Path of Knowledge …………………………..189
14 A Closer Look at Psi Phenomena, NPMR, and You ……..215
15 Section 3 Postlude
Hail! Hearty Readers, Thou Art a Stout
(Figuratively Only) and Sturdy Bunch ………………..231
Solving the Mystery
Mind, Matter, Energy, and Experience……………………………………………235
16 Introduction to Section 4 …………………………………………..237
17 An Operational Model of Consciousness –
Computers, Simulations, Artificial Intelligence, and Us 241
18 An Operational Model of Consciousness –
How Your Kid’s Computer Game Works ……………..243
19 An Operational Model of Consciousness –
Will the Real AI Guy Please Stand Up! ……………….247
20 An Operational Model of Consciousness –
Some of My Best Friends are AI Guys, But
I Wouldn’t Want My Sister to Marry One. …………..251
21 An Operational Model of Consciousness –
Silicon and Carbon, Sand and Charcoal – It
Depends on What You Want to Do With It. ………..267
22 A Functional Model of Consciousness –
Rule-Sets, Constraints, and Us
Wherein, AUM, With Nowhere to Go,
Puddles on the Floor of Consciousness ………………271
23 A Functional Model of Consciousness –
After AUM Puddles, Evolution Cleans Up the Mess 281
24 A Functional Model of Consciousness –
Puddle Evolution Starts a Revolution (Hey Jake,
Your Great9000 Grandmother Was a Retarded Puddle) ……..291
Thomas Campbell began researching altered states of consciousness with Bob Monroe (Journeys out Of the Body, Far Journeys, and The Ultimate Journey) at Monroe Laboratories in the early 1970s where he and a few others were instrumental in getting Monroe’s laboratory for the study of consciousness up and running. These early drug-free consciousness pioneers helped design experiments, developed the technology for creating specific altered states, and were the main subjects of study (guinea pigs) all at the same time. Tom is the ‘TC (physicist)’ described in Bob Monroe’s second book Far Journeys.Campbell has been a serious explorer of the frontiers of reality, mind, consciousness, and psychic phenomena for the last forty years. Using his acquired mastery of the Out Of Body Experience as a research tool, Campbell focused his work toward discovering the outer boundaries, inner workings, and causal dynamics of the larger reality system. The result of this research unites the worlds of objective and subjective experience under one scientific explanation, thus, achieving the goal of generating one unified, comprehensive theory of everything (TOE) that bridges metaphysics and physics with one scientific understanding. In February of 2003, Tom published the My Big TOE trilogy (MBT) which represents the results and conclusions of his scientific exploration of the nature of existence. This overarching model of reality, mind, and consciousness explains the paranormal as well as the normal, places spirituality within a scientific context, solves a host of scientific paradoxes and provides direction for those wishing to personally experience an expanded awareness of All That Is. The MBT reality model explains metaphysics, spirituality, love, and human purpose at the most fundamental level, provides a complete theory of consciousness, and solves the outstanding fundamental physics problems of our time, deriving both relativity theory and quantum mechanics from first principles – something traditional physics cannot yet do. As a logic-based work of science, My Big TOE has no basis in belief, dogma, or any unusual assumptions.In the Fall of 2016, Tom presented a set of quantum physics experiments designed to provide evidence for or against the hypothesis that our reality is information based – or, in other words, that we are living in [that our so-called physical matter reality (PMR) is] a computed virtual reality. In the process of accomplishing that, these experiments are also designed to explore, and perhaps clearly resolve, significant conflicts between five competing perspectives of the underlying fundamental nature of quantum physics: 1) Copenhagen, 2) QBism, 3) Digital Physics, 4) Many Worlds, and 5) current standard QM theory. They may also shed some definitive light on the alleged connection between observers, consciousness, and quantum mechanics (QM).In the spring of 2017, these experiments were described in a paper, entitled: On Testing the Simulation Theory which was subsequently published in a peer reviewed scientific journal: International Journal of Quantum Foundations on June 17, 2017. Volume 3, Issue 3, pages 78-99Currently these experiments are being performed at the California Polytechnical university. First Results are expected in late 2023 or early 2024.