This manual provides a practical approach to operative trauma management. Written entirely by physicians who currently practice in shock trauma, the manual features a hands-on approach and practice to dealing with shock trauma that is regularly utilized by the faculty at the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center. The volume includes numerous photographs that illustrate operative techniques in great detail. The book is also presented in a manual format so that it fits easily into a white coat pocket, making it a portable and readily accessible reference.
The Shock Trauma Manual of Operative Techniques is a valuable resource for practicing surgeons in the community who cover the Emergency Department and thus, may be called upon to provide operative therapy for trauma, residents, particularly those in whom operative trauma is not a part of their training, and fellows who are training in surgical critical care and trauma.
Neck.- The Chest.- Emergency Department Thoracotomy.- Indications and Techniques for Trauma Laparotomy.- Indication and Techniques for Vascular Exploration.- Intubation, Cricothyrotomy, Tube Thoracostomy, Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage, and Local Wound Exploration.- Ultrasound Physics for Point-of-Care Imaging: Performing the Various Exams with Technical Tips.- Trachea, Bronchus, and Esophagus.- The Lungs.- Cardiac Injury.- Liver Injuries.- The Spleen.- Pancreas and Duodenum.- Stomach, Small Bowel, and Colon.- Trauma of the Kidney, Ureter, Bladder.- Traumatic Injuries and Common Surgical Emergencies of the External Genitalia and Urethra.- Cervical Vascular Injuries.- Thoracic Vascular Injuries.- Endovascular Therapy in Trauma.- Timing of Fracture Fixation.- Treatment of Pelvic Fractures.
Thomas M. Scalea, MD, FACS, MCCM
Physician-in-Chief, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Department of Trauma, Baltimore, MD, USA