The third edition of Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity has
been carefully updated to reflect significant
developments, including a new chapter covering important
recent work in the foundations of physics.
* A new edition of the premier philosophical study of
Bell’s Theorem and its implication for the relativistic
account of space and time
* Discusses Roderich Tumiulka’s explicit, relativistic
theory that can reproduce the quantum mechanical violation of
Bell’s inequality.
* Discusses the ‘Free Will Theorem’ of John Conway and Simon
* Introduces philosophers to the relevant physics and
demonstrates how philosophical analysis can help inform
Preface to First Edition vi
Preface to Second Edition x
Preface to Third Edition xii
Introduction 1
1 Bell’s Theorem: The Price of Locality 6
Appendix A: The GHZ Scheme 24
2 Relativity and Space-time Structure 27
3 Finger Exercise: Superluminal Matter Transport 55
4 Controlling the Connection: Signals 74
Appendix B: Bohmian Mechanics 106
5 Causation 114
6 Secret Messages 148
7 Points of View 173
8 Life in Elastic Space-time 205
9 Morals 221
10 New Discoveries and Deeper Insights: The View from 2010
An Overview of Quantum Mechanics 260
References 284
Index 290
Tim Maudlin is Professor of Philosophy at Rutgers University. He received his doctorate in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Pittsburgh. His work lies at the intersection of physics and philosophy, including the foundations of physics and logic. He is the author of Truth and Paradox (2004) and The Metaphysics within Physics (2007). Maudlin is a member of the Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences and a Guggenheim Fellow.