Thomas a’Kempis advises those who want to follow Jesus to set aside their worldly attachments and vanity in favor of the Cross of humility and poverty. Thomas’ masterpiece, The Imitation of Christ, is second only to the Bible in its popularity in Christendom. In Book One of the four books, Thomas offers practical, simple steps toward following the path of Christ. These “admonitions” are maxims and aphorisms grounded in his experience as the Novice Master of new disciples entering the Monastery.
This edition of The Imitation of Christ, with comments and insights by Timothy E. Moore, invite the reader to a quick overview of each chapter and a modern application of each meditation. Moore also provides a short, fictional narrative from the point of view of Thomas, which places the reader into the mind of the Novice Master as he composes his master work. You can follow Tim’s comments and edits through his web site at
Table of Contents
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Dedication and Acknowledgments
Why Read the Imitation of Christ?
Who Was Thomas a’Kempis
The Chronicles of the Novice Master –
On the Writing of Book One.
Chapter 1: The Imitation of Christ,
And of Contempt of the World
And all its Vanities
Chapter 2: Having an Humble Opinion of Yourself
Chapter 3: The Knowledge of Truth
Chapter 4: Applying Prudence in What We Do
Chapter 5: Reading the Holy Scriptures
Chapter 6: Inordinate Affections
Chapter 7: Avoiding Vain Hope and Pride.
Chapter 8: The Dangers of Familiarity
Chapter 9: Obedience and Subjection
Chapter 10: Avoiding a Superfluity of Words
Chapter 11: Acquiring Peace and Zeal for
Spiritual Progress
Chapter 12: The Utility of Adversity
Chapter 13: On Resisting Temptations
Chapter 14: Avoiding Rash Judgment
Chapter 15: Works of Charity
Chapter 16: Bearing the Faults of Others
Chapter 17: The Consecrated Life
Chapter 18: The Example of the Holy Fathers
Chapter 19: The Spiritual Exercise of the
Devout Disciple
Chapter 20: The Love of Solitude and Silence
Chapter 21: On Compunction of Heart
Chapter 22: Contemplation of the Miseries and
Sorrows of This Life
Chapter 23: A Meditation on Death
Chapter 24: The Judgment and
Punishment of Sin
Chapter 25: Of the Zealous Amendment of
Our Whole Life
Book II, Chapter 1, On the Inward Life.
Questions from The Imitation of Christ
Key Quotes from The Imitation of Christ
Prayers from The Imitation of Christ and Common Prayers
Tim Moore has studied the life and works of late middle ages author Thomas a’Kempis. Tim has recently published Book I of ‘The Imitation of Christ’, with Tim writing Comments, Edits and a Fictional Narrative to augment the main text. Tim was inspired to write this book after he and his wife, Donna, made a pilgrimage to Zwolle, Netherlands, in 2014. Tim is an author, speaker and blogger. Tim is also an attorney. Tim and his wife Donna, have 7 Children.