Since the first century, believers have worked diligently to find the most effective means of evangelizing. In every age there have been great teachers who have excelled in their abilities to show others how best to communicate the good news of Christ.
Roy Fish, Professor of Evangelism at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, has inspired generations of evangelists who have learned his balanced, biblical methodology. These essays written in his honor discuss personal evangelism, preaching, discipleship, great spiritual awakenings, contemporary spirituality, worship, mission work, and related topics. Included are contributions by scholars and preachers such as Jimmy Draper, Calvin Miller, Robert Coleman, and Rick Warren. This collection is a must for evangelists, students of theology, pastors, Bible teachers, or anyone interested in effective outreach.
Alvin L. Reid (Ph.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) fills the John Bisagno Chair of Evangelism and is assistant professor of Christianity at Houston Baptist University. A former pastor and home missionary, Reid previously served as State Director of Evangelism and Stewardship for the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana. He was also a student of Roy Fish.