Acknowledgments and Note on Original Sources
Introduction Tom Young
Part I. Sovereignty and Statehood
1. Independence by Right Robert H. Jackson
2. Regimes ...
Acknowledgments and Note on Original Sources
Introduction Tom Young
Part I. Sovereignty and Statehood
1. Independence by Right Robert H. Jackson
2. Regimes of Sovereignty: International Morality and the African Condition Siba N. Grovogui
3. The Rise of the State System in Africa Carolyn M. Warner
Part II. Africa and the International Order
4. Policy Autonomy and the History of British Aid to Africa
Postscript, March 2014 Tony Killick
5. ‘Development is Very Political in Tanzania’: Oxfam and the Chunya Integrated Development Programme 1972–76 Michael Jennings
6. Evolution of the United Nations Anti-Apartheid Regime Newell M. Stultz
7. What Next? Selective Genocide in Burundi Rene Lemarchand
Part III. New States and the Continental Order
8. The Scramble for Africa: Inherited Political Boundaries Ieuan Griffiths
9. The OAU Interventions in Chad: Mission Impossible or Mission Evaded? Roy May and Simon Massey
Part IV. Africa and the Great Powers
10. French African Policy in Historical Perspective Tony Chafer
11. Propaganda and Politics John Stockwell
12. ‘Flee! The White Giants are Coming!’ The United States, the Mercenaries and the Congo 1964–65 Piero Gleijeses
13. The Prospects of Socialism: Ethiopia and the Horn Odd Arne Westad
Part V. Conflict, War and Intervention
14. Rebel Movements and Proxy Warfare: Uganda, Sudan and the Congo (1986–99) Gérard Prunier
15. The United Nations in Africa: The Rise of Peacekeeping and the Case of Somalia Richard K. Al-Qaq
16. The Liberal Peace Is Neither: Peacebuilding, State Building and the Reproduction of Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo Stein Sundstøl Eriksen
Part VI. Globalization and a New World Order?
17. ‘A Project to be Realized:’ Global Liberalism and Contemporary Africa Tom Young
18. Values, Context and Hybridity: How Can the Insights from the Liberal Peace Critique Literature Be Brought to Bear on the Practices of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture? Eli Stamnes
19. Is the EU’s Governance ‘Good?’: An Assessment of EU Governance in Its Partnership with ACP States Nikki Slocum-Bradley and Andrew Bradley
20. Female Circumcision as Female Genital Mutilation: Human Rights or Cultural Imperialism?
Abdulmumini A. Oba
21. Politics, Anti-Politics, International Justice: Language and Power in the Special Court for Sierra Leone Tim Kelsall
Part VII. African Renaissance? The African Union & NEPAD
22. Explaining the Clash and Accommodation of Interests of Major Actors in the Creation of the African Union Thomas Kwasi Tieku
23. ‘Partnership’ through Accommodation? African Development Initiatives and Universal Policy Prescriptions Ian Taylor
24. The Power of Partnerships in Global Governance Rita Abrahamsen
Part VIII. The Return of Geopolitics
25. China, India, Russia and the United States: The Scramble for African Oil and the Militarization of the Continent Daniel Volman
26. Towards a Critical Geopolitics of China’s Engagement with African Development Marcus Power and Giles Mohan
27. A New Phase in the War on Terror: The Implications of Proxy Intelligence and Western Complicity with State Terrorist Agencies Jeremy Keenan
List of Original Sources
List of Contributors