The first atlas in many years giving researchers a good visual reference of the status of their cell lines. Given the increasing importance of well defined cellular models in particular in biomedical research this is a sorely needed resource for everyone performing cell culture.
Preface and Acknowledgments VII
Abbreviations XI
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction and Usage of This Book 1
1.2 General Remarks 2
2 Basic Cell Culture Techniques 5
2.1 Safety Precautions for Frozen Cell Lines 5
2.2 Sterile Working 5
2.3 Handling Procedure for Cell Lines 5
2.3.1 Frozen Cells 5
2.3.2 Receipt of Growing Adherent Cultures in T-flasks 6
2.3.3 Receipt of Growing Suspension Cultures 6
2.3.4 Medium Replacement of Cells in Suspension 6
2.3.5 Subculture of Cells in Suspension 7
2.3.6 Subculture of Adherent Cells 7
2.3.7 Subculture of Mixed Cell Lines (Adherent and Floating Cells) 7
2.3.8 Cell Counting 7
2.3.9 Cryopreservation of Cell Lines 7
2.3.10 Long Term Storage of Cells 8
2.3.11 Detection and Elimination of Contaminations 8
2.3.12 Cross-contaminations=Authentication 9
2.4 Special Remarks on the Origin of the Cell Lines 9
2.5 Photographic Equipment 9
3 List of Cell Lines and Human Primary Cells (in Alphabetical Order) 11
3.1 Human Cell Lines 11
3.2 Animal Cell Lines 12
3.2.1 Rat 12
3.2.2 Mouse 12
3.2.3 Hamster 13
3.2.4 Chicken 13
3.2.5 Monkey 13
3.2.6 Pig 13
3.2.7 Opossum 13
3.2.8 Potoroo 13
3.2.9 Bovine 13
3.2.10 Dog 14
3.2.11 Insect 14
3.3 Human Primary Cells 14
4 Cell Lines and Human Primary Cells 15
4.1 Human Cell Lines 15
4.2 Animal Cell Lines 341
4.2.1 Rat 341
4.2.2 Mouse 367
4.2.3 Hamster 433
4.2.4 Chicken 437
4.2.5 Monkey 443
4.2.6 Pig 451
4.2.7 Opossum 457
4.2.8 Potoroo 461
4.2.9 Bovine 467
4.2.10 Dog 471
4.2.11 Insect 475
4.3 Human Primary Cells 479
Appendix A: Materials and Suppliers 493
Appendix B: Suppliers of Cell Culture Materials 497
Further Reading 501
Index 503
Toni Lindl is Professor emeritus of the University of Applied Sciences in Weihenstephan, Germany, and CEO of the Institute of Applied Cell Culture Ltd., Munich. After studies of biochemistry and cell biology he obtained his Ph D in neurochemistry. Following post doc fellowships at the University of Constance and Bonn, Germany, he founded the Institute of Applied Cell Culture Ltd. in 1981 and in 1990 received a professorship at the University of Applied Sciences in Weihenstephan. He is author of the first German textbook in cell and tissue culture (currently in its 7th Edition) and wrote more than 70 articles in many prestigious journals, among those are Nature, BBA, ALTEX etc. He is member of several cell biology societies and is engaged in the development of alternatives to animal testing (3R according to Russell and Burch).
Rosemarie Steubing is head of the cell culture company CLS Cell Lines Service Gmb H since 2004. After her study of chemistry and biochemistry at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany, she obtained her Ph.D. in applying laser microirradiation to the fusion of single cells. Following two years as post-doctoral fellow at the Beckman Laser Institute, University of California, Irvine, USA, she has been working in molecular physiology and cellular immunology. In the field of laser micromanipulation and optical trapping of single cells, of single skeletal muscle fibers and motility assays using purified actin and myosin, she has authored several scientific publications and book chapters.