Yokohama, California, originally released in 1949, is the first published collection of short stories by a Japanese American. Set in a fictional community, these linked stories are alive with the people, gossip, humor, and legends of Japanese America in the 1930s and 1940s.
Replaces ISBN 9780295961675
Introduction to the 2015 Edition by Xiaojing Zhou
Standing on Seventh Street: An Introduction to the 1985 Edition by Lawson Fusao Inada
Introduction to the Original Edition by William Saroyan
Tomorrow Is Coming, Children
The Woman Who Makes Swell Doughnuts
The Seventh Street Philosopher
My Mother Stands on Her Head
Toshio Mori
The End of the Line
Say It with Flowers
Akira Yano
Lil’ Yokohama
The Finance over at Doi’s
Three Japanese Mothers
The All-American Girl
The Chessmen
Nodas in America
The Eggs of the World
He Who Has the Laughing Face
Slant-Eyed Americans
The Trees
The Six Rows of Pompons
Business at Eleven
The Brothers
Lawson Fusao Inada has published several books of poetry, including Legends from Camp (1994), which won an American Book Award. He was also named Oregon’s fifth poet Laureate in 2006.