ผู้เขียน: Toshiya Kaihara

Toshiya KAIHARA is a Professor of Graduate School of System Informatics, and Director of Value Creation Smart Production Research Centre at Kobe University, Kobe, Japan. He received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, and the Ph.D. and DIC from Imperial College London, London, UK. His research interests include systems optimization and simulation, and their application into production, service, and social systems. He is author of more than 450 publications. He is an editor and author of book: Innovative Systems Approach for Designing Smarter World (2020) of Springer. He is a member of JSME(Fellow), IEEJ(Fellow), EAJ, ISCIE, SICE, JSPE, ORSJ, SSJ, CIRP(Fellow), IFAC, IFIP, IEEE, and others.  Hajime KITA is a Professor at Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kyoto University in Japan. He received his Ph D degree from Kyoto University. His research interests are evolutionary computation, social simulation and education of informatics in university. He is author and editor of books: Agent-Based Simulation: From Modelling Methodologies to Real-World Applications (2005), Control of Traffic Systems in Buildings (2006), Agent-Based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems V (2009), Realistic Simulation of Financial Markets (2016) of Springer.  Shingo TAKAHASHI is Professor of the Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering and Director of Institute for Social Simulation at Waseda University. He holds MS and Ph D in Systems Science from Tokyo Institute of Technology. His current research interests include: modeling and simulation of social systems as complex adaptive systems, especially focusing on agent-based social simulation and soft systems thinking as practice, aimed at applying to soft, i.e. ill-structured, problem situations involving various people with plural world views.  Dr. Motohisa FUNABASHI is a System Scientist. He graduated from Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University in 1969, and joined Hitachi, Ltd. working for R&D on systems control (1969-2010). Also he served as a Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo (1996-1999), a Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University (2003-2008), an Auditor of the National Institute for Environmental Studies (2007-2011), a Senior Professor of Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (2012-2017), and a Program Officer of Low Carbon Technology Development and Demonstration Program of the Ministry of the Environment (2018-2020). His current research interests include computational systems modeling and architecting. He is a member of SICE (Honorary Member and Fellow), IEEJ (Fellow), IEEE, and ACM, and others.

2 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Toshiya Kaihara

Toshiya Kaihara & Hajime Kita: Innovative Systems Approach for Designing Smarter World
This book presents an innovative systems approach towards the idea of a smarter world, with advanced and sustainable social infrastructures, facilities and services. It develops a novel systems appro …
Toshiya Kaihara & Hajime Kita: Innovative Systems Approach for Facilitating Smarter World
This book introduces state-of-the-art concepts and methodologies on innovative systems approach that enables the grand design and implementation about Smarter World. This book also describes the shar …