Jan-Hendryk de Boer, Dr. phil., ist als Postdoc am Graduiertenkolleg »Vorsorge, Voraussicht, Vorhersage. Kontingenzbewältigung durch Zukunftshandeln« an der Universität Duisburg-Essen tätig.
Marcel Bubert, Dr. phil., ist wiss. Mitarbeiter am Historischen Seminar der Universität Münster.
5 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Ulla Kypta
Jan-Hendryk de Boer & Marcel Bubert: Absichten, Pläne, Strategien
Dass Menschen absichtsvoll handeln, dass sie planen und Strategien ausarbeiten, zeigt sich im Alltag ebenso wie in historischen Quellen. Zu erforschen, welche Motive und Überzeugungen mittelalterlich …
Ulla Kypta: Die Autonomie der Routine
During the 12th century, one of the most durable institutions of the English government emerged: the Exchequer. For seven centuries, it was a corner stone of the royal financial administration. The s …
Ulla Kypta & Julia Bruch: Methods in Premodern Economic History
This edited collection demonstrates how economic history can be analysed using both quantitative and qualitative methods, connecting statistical research with the social, cultural and psychological a …
Tanja Skambraks & Julia Bruch: Markets and their Actors in the Late Middle Ages
Markets feature prominently in recent research of premodern historians as well as economists. Discussions cover the questions, for example, how a market can be grasp as a place, an event or a mechani …
Julia Bruch & Ulla Kypta: Markets and their Actors in the Late Middle Ages
Markets feature prominently in recent research of premodern historians as well as economists. Discussions cover the questions, for example, how a market can be grasp as a place, an event or a mechani …