This monograph focuses on a variety of topics related to reconstruction and restoration in post-tsunami conditions. Aspects such as coastal engineering, early warning systems and technological approaches, urban planning and settlements relocation, socio-economic redevelopment and policy, coastal ecosystems and agricultural redevelopment as well as pollution assessment are included. The reader will benefit from the various case-studies drawn from a number of countries hit by the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean and the Great East Earthquake and Tsunami of March 2011 in Japan.
This book will appeal to scientists and scholars, decision makers, students and practitioners interested in post-tsunami reconstruction and restoration processes.
Long Term Recovery from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster.- Reconstruction Plans and Planning Process After the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.- Rebuilding Livelihoods after a Tsunami: Policies, Programs and Implementation in Rebuilding from the Great East Japan Earthquake.- Reconstruction of Small Fishery Villages in Sanriku Coast after the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami.- Lessons Learned from Two Villages in the Tsunami Most Affected Area of Banda Aceh City: A Review of the Housing Reconstruction and the Current State of Village Development.- Accomplishments of the South Coastal Thai Communities after the 2004 Tsunami in the Restoration Process: A case Study in Ranong Province.- Reconstruction Process and Social Issues after the 1746 Earthquake and Tsunami in Peru: Past and Present Challenges after Tsunami Events.- Tsunami Warning System in Thailand: A Part of Reconstruction Process after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.- Effects of the Offshore Barrier Against the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami and Lessons Learned.- Determination of the Boundary Between the Tsunami Level 1 and Level 2 Based on Numerical Model and GIS Application at the Reconstruction Area in Japan.-Effectiveness of Real-time Near-field Tsunami Inundation Forecast for Tsunami Evacuation in Kushiro City, Hokkaido, Japan.- Advanced Real Time Monitoring System and Simulation Researches for Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Japan.- Seawall Performance along Southern Coast of East Japan Impacted by the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami: A Note for the Reconstruction Process.- A Consideration to the Resiliency of Protective Structures Against Tsunami.- Serious Erosion of the Southern Sendai Coast due to the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami and its Recovery Process.- Dwellings and Industrial Damages: Residual Vulnerability under Tsunamis, Floods and Earthquakes to be Considered in Restoration.- Debris Management and Contamination in the A ftermath of March 11, 2011; Impacts and Restoration – Miyagi Prefecture .- The Agri-reconstruction Project and Rapeseed Project for Restoring Tsunami-Salt-Damaged Farmland – An Institutional Effort.- Human Attempts at Mangrove Rehabilitation & Natural Vegetation Colonization after Seismic and Tsunami Events in Simeulue Island and Singkil Lagoon, Aceh, Indonesia.