Vanessa Künnemann (Ph D) works as Assistant Professor of American Studies at the University of Göttingen, Germany. Her research interests include 19th to 21st century American Literature, Asian American Studies, Gender Studies, and Middlebrow Studies.
3 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Vanessa Kunnemann
Vanessa Künnemann: Middlebrow Mission: Pearl S. Buck’s American China
Nobel Prize winner Pearl S. Buck’s engagement with (neo-)missionary cultures in the United States and China was unique. Against the backdrop of her missionary upbringing, Buck developed a fictional p …
Vanessa Kunnemann & Ruth Mayer: Chinatowns in a Transnational World
This book explores the history, the reality, and the complex fantasy of American and European Chinatowns and traces the patterns of transnational travel and traffic between China, South East Asia, Eu …
Vanessa Kunnemann & Ruth Mayer: Chinatowns in a Transnational World
This book explores the history, the reality, and the complex fantasy of American and European Chinatowns and traces the patterns of transnational travel and traffic between China, South East Asia, Eu …