This volume is dedicated to the theme ‘Combinatorial Optimization – Theoretical Computer Science: Interfaces and Perspectives’ and has two main objectives: the first is to show that bringing together operational research and theoretical computer science can yield useful results for a range of applications, while the second is to demonstrate the quality and range of research conducted by the LAMSADE in these areas.
Chapter 1. The Complexity of Single Machine Scheduling Problems
under Scenario-based Uncertainty (M. A. Aloulou, F. Della Croce).
Chapter 2. (Non)-Approximability Results for the Multi-criteria
Min and Max TSP(1, 2) (E. Angel, E. Bampis, L. Gourvès, J.
Chapter 3. Online Models for Set-covering: the Flaw of
Greediness (G. Ausiello, A. Giannakos, V. Th. Paschos).
Chapter 4. Comparison of Expressiveness for Timed Automata and
Time Petri Nets (B. Bérard, F. Cassez, S. Haddad, D.
Lime, O. H. Roux).
Chapter 5. A ‘Maximum Node Clustering’ Problem (G.
Carello, F. Della Croce, A. Grosso, M. Locatelli).
Chapter 6. The Patrolling Problem: Theoretical and Experimental
Results (Y. Chevaleyre).
Chapter 7. Restricted Classes of Utility Functions for Simple
Negotiation Schemes: Sufficiency, Necessity and Maximality (Y.
Chevaleyre, U. Endriss, N. Maudet).
Chapter 8. Worst-case Complexity of Exact Algorithms for NP-hard
Problems (F. Della Croce, B. Escoffier, M. Kaminski, V. Th.
Chapter 9. The Online Track Assignment Problem (M. Demange, G.
Di Stefano, B. Leroy-Beaulieu).
Chapter 10. Complexity and Approximation Results for the Min
Weighted Node Coloring Problem (M. Demange et al).
Chapter 11. Weighted Edge Coloring (M. Demange et al).
Chapter 12. An Extensive Comparison of 0-1 Linear Programs for
the Daily Satellite Mission Planning (Virginie Gabrel).
Chapter 13. Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for Linearly Constrained
Stable Set Problem (Virginie Gabrel).
Chapter 14. Algorithmic Games (Aristotelis Giannakos et al).
Chapter 15. Flows! (Michel Koskas, Cécile Murat).
Chapter 16. The Complexity of the Exact Weighted Independent Set
Problem (Martin Milanic, Jérôme Monnot).
Chapter 17. The Labeled Perfect Matching in Bipartite Graphs:
Complexity and (in) Approximability (Jérôme Monnot).
Chapter 18. Complexity and Approximation Results for
Bounded-size Paths Packing Problems (Jérôme Monnot,
Sophie Toulouse).
Chapter 19. An Upper Bound for the Integer Quadratic
Multi-knapsack Problem (Dominique Quadri, Eric Soutif, Pierre
List of Authors.
Vangelis Th. Paschos is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Paris-Dauphine, France.