Open University Press Essential collection provides over 700 books in Nursing, Education, Psychology, Socail Work, Study Skills, Coaching and Counselling & Psychotherap.Nursing;Responsive to current issues and challenges, our broad range of titles offer practicable research and advice for students and experienced practitioners in nursing and health.Education;Providing resources for students, teachers and lecturers, we publish essential titles in early years, primary, secondary...
Open University Press Essential collection provides over 700 books in Nursing, Education, Psychology, Socail Work, Study Skills, Coaching and Counselling & Psychotherap.Nursing;Responsive to current issues and challenges, our broad range of titles offer practicable research and advice for students and experienced practitioners in nursing and health.Education;Providing resources for students, teachers and lecturers, we publish essential titles in early years, primary, secondary, special education needs, further education, higher education and education policy.Psychology;Celebrating the breadth of the discipline from statistical methods, including Pallant’s definitive SPSS Survival Manual, to consumer and positive psychology, we publish influential texts to aid students and practitioners.Social Work;Students need access to their core reading and related resources to be successful on their course. Our Social Work Collection allows students to read more and further explore within their related studies.Our wide-ranging selection of titles offer practicable research and advice for students and experienced practitioners in social work."Study Skills;Students need access to their core reading and academic skills resources to be successful on their course. Our Study, Writing and Research Skills Collection allows students to further explore and learn the skills to support their studies.The collection covers undergraduate level to career researcher, we have a book to help you with your study and academic progression."Coaching;With many notable authors including Jenny Rogers, Peter Hawkins and David Clutterbuck, we have the books to ensure that coaching and it’s practice reach new heights of advancement, effectiveness and authority. Counselling & Psychotherapy;With seminal texts including Mc Leod’s Introduction to Counselling, we publish accessible texts for students and practitioners that translate research for clinical practice.