* The new edition of the classic bestseller that launched the
data warehousing industry covers new approaches and technologies,
many of which have been pioneered by Inmon himself
* In addition to explaining the fundamentals of data warehouse
systems, the book covers new topics such as methods for handling
unstructured data in a data warehouse and storing data across
multiple storage media
* Discusses the pros and cons of relational versus
multidimensional design and how to measure return on investment in
planning data warehouse projects
* Covers advanced topics, including data monitoring and
* Although the book includes an extra 100 pages worth of valuable
content, the price has actually been reduced from $65 to $55
Chapter 1: Evolution of Decision Support Systems.
Chapter 2: The Data Warehouse Environment.
Chapter 3: The Data Warehouse and Design.
Chapter 4: Granularity in the Data Warehouse.
Chapter 5: The Data Warehouse and Technology.
Chapter 6: The Distributed Data Warehouse.
Chapter 7: Executive Information Systems and the Data Warehouse.
Chapter 8: External Data and the Data Warehouse.
Chapter 9: Migration to the Architected Environment.
Chapter 10: The Data Warehouse and the Web.
Chapter 11: Unstructured Data and the Data Warehouse.
Chapter 12: The Really Large Data Warehouse.
Chapter 13: The Relational and the Multidimensional Models as a Basis for Database Design.
Chapter 14: Data Warehouse Advanced Topics.
Chapter 15: Cost-Justification and Return on Investment for a Data Warehouse.
Chapter 16: The Data Warehouse and the ODS.
Chapter 17: Corporate Information Compliance and Data Warehousing.
Chapter 18: The End-User Community.
Chapter 19: Data Warehouse Design Review Checklist.
William H. Inmon is the acknowledged ‘Father of Data Warehousing’ and a partner in www.billinmon.com, a Web site featuring information on data warehousing and related technologies. He has written more than 40 books on database and data warehousing technologies, and is a frequent speaker (and often the keynote) at major conferences.