Werner Zurek was born on 13.03.1952 in Voelklingen, Saarland, as the son oft he employee, Heinz Kurt Zurek and his wife Maria, nee Kußler.
At the age of 6, he attended the Catholic Elementary School Voelklingen – Geislautern, and finished the secondary school in Geislautern in 1968
From 1968 – 1970 he started a machinist apprenticeship.
From 1970 to 1972 he completed an apprenticeship at Roechling – Voelklingen as a rollingmiller (metallurgicalworker).
From 1972 to 1974, soldier was on time for two years at the Bundewehr in Daun, where he was trained as a Horchfunker in the Electronic Battle Reconnaissance. He ended his cacctivec servicec as a sergeant. As a reservist, he was promoted to staff sergeant.
Acquisition ofmiddlematurity at the ILS
In 1975, he Apple as a civil servant – candidate at the Ministry of Finance (Federal Customs Administration) After passing the finalexam, he servedas a border inspector under the Federal Border Protection Act, as a customsofficer in taxmatters and was therefore also auxiliaries of the prosecutor
In 1975 he married his wife Ulrike, nee Daub.
In 1982, the birth of his daughter Sandra.
In 2014 he retired.
Air defense training at the Technical Relief Agency
Rifle of the Bundewehr
Training at the German Red Cross
State explosives permit
Basic certificate of the German Lifesaving Society
European police sportbadge filed with the Federal Customs Administration. Validity also for the European Community.
Admission tot he Royal Brotherhood of Saint Teotonius. Protector is the Infant of Portugal, SKH the Duke of Braganza.
Veteranscross of the Bundeswehr
Werner Zurek was born on 13.03.1952 in Voelklingen, Saarland, as the son oft he employee, Heinz Kurt Zurek and his wife Maria, nee Kußler.
At the age of 6, he attended the Catholic Elementary School Voelklingen – Geislautern, and finished the secondary school in Geislautern in 1968
From 1968 – 1970 he started a machinist apprenticeship.
From 1970 to 1972 he completed an apprenticeship at Roechling – Voelklingen as a rollingmiller (metallurgicalworker).
From 1972 to 1974, soldier was on time for two years at the Bundewehr in Daun, where he was trained as a Horchfunker in the Electronic Battle Reconnaissance. He ended his cacctivec servicec as a sergeant. As a reservist, he was promoted to staff sergeant.
Acquisition ofmiddlematurity at the ILS
In 1975, he Apple as a civil servant – candidate at the Ministry of Finance (Federal Customs Administration) After passing the finalexam, he servedas a border inspector under the Federal Border Protection Act, as a customsofficer in taxmatters and was therefore also auxiliaries of the prosecutor
In 1975 he married his wife Ulrike, nee Daub.
In 1982, the birth of his daughter Sandra.
In 2014 he retired.
Air defense training at the Technical Relief Agency
Rifle of the Bundewehr
Training at the German Red Cross
State explosives permit
Basic certificate of the German Lifesaving Society
European police sportbadge filed with the Federal Customs Administration. Validity also for the European Community.
Admission tot he Royal Brotherhood of Saint Teotonius. Protector is the Infant of Portugal, SKH the Duke of Braganza.
Veteranscross of the Bundeswehr