External challenges, strategic threats, and war have shaped the course of modern British history. This volume examines how Britain mobilized to meet these challenges and how developments in the constitution, state, public sphere, and economy were a response to foreign policy issues from the Restoration to the rise of New Labour.
Introduction; B.Simms & W.Mulligan Conflicting Visions: Foreign Affairs in Domestic Debates, 1660-1690; G.Glickmann Primacy Contested: Foreign and Domestic Policy in the Reign of William III; D.Onnekink Anglo-Scottish Union and the War of Scottish Succession; A.I.Macinnes The Development of the Executive and Foreign Policy, 1714-1760; A.Thompson European Great Power Politics in British Public Discourse, 1714-1763; B.Simms & D.Ahn Waging War: The Irish Military Establishment and the British Empire, 1688-1763; C.I.Mcgrath Europe, the American Crisis, and Scottish Evangelism: The Primacy of Foreign Policy in the Kirk?; G.Mailer Debating the Union in Foreign Fields: Ulster Unionism and the Importance of Britain’s Place in the World, 1830-1870; J.Bew The Enduring Importance of Foreign Policy in the Mid-Nineteenth Century; A.Brettle Radicalism, Free Trade, and Foreign Policy in Mid-Nineteenth Century Britain; A.Howe Gladstone and the Primacy of Foreign Policy; W.Mulligan Imagined Spaces: Nation, State and Territory in the British Colonial Empire, 1860-1914; D.Bell British Liberal Historians and the Primacy of Internationalism; C.Sylvest ‘Chief of all offices’: High Politics, Finance, and Foreign Policy, 1865-1914; T.Otte The 1910 Elections and the Primacy of Foreign Policy; P.P.O’Brien Patriotism and the Politics of Foreign Policy, 1870-1914; P.Readman The Historiography of Inter-War Politics: Competing Conservative World Views in High Politics, 1924-1929; R.S.Grayson The Primacy of Foreign Policy? Britain in the Second World War; D.Edgerton Britain in Europe? Conservative and Labour Attitudes to European Integration since World War II; N.Crowson& J.Mckay Foreign Policy in the Labour Party Manifestos, 1945-1997: What Primacy?; A.Capet Conclusion; B.Simms & W.Mulligan Notes Index
DOOHWAN AHN Doctoral candidate, the University of Cambridge, UK DUNCAN BELL Lecturer, Department of Politics and International Studies, the University of Cambridge, UK JOHN BEW Lecturer in War Studies, King’s College London, UK ADRIAN BRETTLE Doctoral candidate, the University of Virginia, USA ANTOINE CAPET Head of British Studies, the University of Rouen, France NICHOLAS CROWSON Reader in Contemporary British History, the University of Birmingham, UK DAVID EDGERTON Hans Rausing Professor, Imperial College London, UK GABRIEL GLICKMAN British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, Hertford College, Oxford, UK RICHARD S. GRAYSON Head of Politics and Senior Lecturer in British and Irish Politics, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK ANTHONY HOWE Professor of Modern History, the University of East Anglia, UK ALLAN I. MACINNES Professor of Early Modern History, University of Strathclye, UK GIDEON MAILER Title A Fellow, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, UK CHARLES IVAR MCGRATH Lecturer in the School of History and Archives, University College Dublin, Ireland JAMES MCKAY Post-doctoral Research Fellow, the University of Birmingham, UK PHILLIPS O’BRIEN Director of the Scottish Centre for War Studies, University of Glasgow, UK DAVID ONNEKINK Assistant Professor, Universities of Leiden and Utrecht, the Netherlands T.G.OTTE Senior Lecturer in Diplomatic History, University of East Anglia, UK PAUL READMAN Senior Lecturer in Modern British History, King’s College London, UK CASPER SYLVEST Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark ANDREW THOMPSON College Lecturer in History, Queens’ College, Cambridge, UK