The Stone Soup Annual brings together the complete versions of every issue of the magazine in 2017, in one publication. In addition to the year’s eight edited collections of poetry, stories, art and reviews, the Annual includes bonus materials–blog posts, music and contests–from the year on our website, Contributing authors and artists are all aged 8-13 years.
Stone Soup, the magazine by and for kids, has been in print since 1973, publishing the best in children’s writing and art. The magazine is now published online eleven times a year–ten monthly editions and one combined summer issue–and in print once a year as the Stone Soup Annual. Online subscribers have access to a twenty-year archive, giving hours of reading pleasure to individual subscribers as well as a deep resource of materials for teachers and home-schoolers. Our unrivalled collection of kids’ stories, poems and art is complemented by a series of activities and teaching materials on our website.
Stone Soup Magazine January/February 2017
Stone Soup Magazine March/April 2017
Stone Soup Magazine May/June 2017
Stone Soup Magazine July/August 2017
Stone Soup Magazine September 2017
Stone Soup Magazine October 2017
Stone Soup Magazine November 2017
Stone Soup Magazine December 2017
Extras from the year online: Bloggers
Extras from the year online: Contests
Extras from the year online: Music
Stone Soup is a literary magazine and website 100% written and illustrated by kids, aged 8-13.