“Girlhood, Pretty Is not Enough” Is a great curriculum for young women. Its content encourages and challenges young women to be unapologetic in their faith. This two-part series is a great tutor to assure young women not to conform to societal pressure. The author uses engaging stories featuring women in the bible as motivation for young women who are sometimes bored to engage with scriptures. Young women are surrounded with noise and lies that; they are valuable and pretty only if they are popular and physically attractive. Physical attributes have nothing to do with one’s value. “Girlhood” is a most read; for young women to discover their uniqueness in Christ, using positive bible characters.
About the author
Theresia Tabe is a Psychiatric Mental Health Advanced Nurse Practitioner, mom, wife, author, and speaker. She is the founder and president of The No Girl Left Behind Non-Profit initiative, an academic and faith-based philanthropic organization. Its mission is to provide education, leadership skills and health initiatives to empower young Cameroonian women. Theresia Tabe is passionate about sharing the word of God with women of all ages. She serves in the Teen ministry in her home church. Theresia Tabe lives in North Texas with her family.