Author: Thomas Adrian Thomas

Adrian Thomas has had a lifelong fascination with nature and its conservation. He has worked for over eight years for the RSPB, where his job in the South-east region is to communicate the charity”s vision through the media and interpret wildlife for visitors to RSPB reserves. His passion for gardening was kindled a decade ago when he got a plot he could call his own for the first time. He has been using this garden as a test bed for his ideas ever since. Adrian has won the Garden Media Guild New Talent Award for this book.

4 Ebooks by Thomas Adrian Thomas

Adrian Thomas: RSPB Gardening for Wildlife
There is something uplifting about having butterflies in your flowerbeds, frogs in your water feature and birds in your bushes, and knowing they”re there because of you. Rich in detail and accessibl …
Adrian Thomas: RSPB Guide to Birdsong
An RSPB audio and book guide to the birdsong of Britain”s best known bird species. Birdsong is the natural soundtrack to our lives and can evoke a powerful sense of time, place and season. Often pro …
Thomas Adrian Thomas: RSPB Gardening for Wildlife
There is something uplifting about having butterflies in your flowerbeds, frogs in your water feature and birds in your bushes, and knowing they’re there because of you. Rich in detail and accessible …
Adrian Thomas: RSPB Guide to Birdsong
An RSPB audio and book guide to the birdsong of Britain”s best known bird species. Birdsong is the natural soundtrack to our lives and can evoke a powerful sense of time, place and season. Often pro …