This book brings together key features of the toxicology and occupational hazards of pesticides and the way their use is regulated in the main trading regions of the world. There are chapters on each of the main groups of insecticides, namely organochlorines, anticholinesterases and pyrethrins and pyrethroids. The book also covers fungicides and herbicides, as well as more specialised agents such as microbial pesticides. The risks and hazards to humans are considered, both occupat...
Table of Content
List of Contributors.
Frequently Used Abbreviations.
Toxicity Classifications and Hazard Ratings.
1. Pesticides: An Overview of Fundamentals (Bryan Bal...
About the author
Timothy T. Marrs is the editor of Pesticide Toxicology and International Regulation, published by Wiley.
Bryan Ballantyne is the editor of Pesticide Toxicology and...