Author: Timothy J. J. Hargrave

Alfred A. Marcus is the Edson Spencer Endowed Professor in strategy andtechnological leadership in the Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Department at the Carlson School of Management, the University of Minnesota, and the Technological Leadership Institute in the University of Minnesota’s Institute of Technology. He is the author of Innovations in Sustainability: Fueland Food, published by Cambridge University Press in 2015 and the author of Strategies for Managing Uncertainty: Booms and Busts in the Energy Industry, published by Cambridge University Press in 2019. Innovations in Sustainabilitywon the “Outstanding Book” award in 2016 for the ONE division at the Academyof Management. He was coeditor of a special 2011 fall issue of the California Management Review on regulatory uncertainty and the natural environment.From 1995 to 2001, he was chair of the Strategic Management and Organization Department at the Carlson School. He has consulted with numerous major corporationsand has received grants from government agencies. Since 2006, he alsohas taught in the MBA program of the Technion Israel Institute of Technology. Hereceived his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Chicago and his Ph D from Harvard University. In 2005 and 2015, he won the outstanding teacherof the year award in the Carlson School MBA programs, and he has won a similaraward at the Technion.

1 Ebooks by Timothy J. J. Hargrave

Timothy J. Hargrave & Alfred A. Marcus: Managing Business Ethics
Managing Business Ethics: Making Ethical Decisions teaches students how to navigate ethical issues they will encounter using the weight-of-reasons approach applied throughout the book. This decision- …