Prepare yourself for extremely low-fat, flavorful cooking! If you would like to cut out a big portion of fat from your diet, then this is the cookbook for you. These recipes are made without cooking oils, beef, or globs of butter. Tired of passing on dessert? Well, you can have your cake and eat it too! My carrot cake with cream cheese frosting has zero fat per serving! Got a craving for corndogs or perhaps an eggroll? Both are one gram of fat or less per serving! All 130 recipes in this low fat cookbook are three grams of fat or less per serving. So give your family a wonderful home-cooked meal without the added fat!
About the author
Tina Warren is a retired Air Force veteran who loves to travel. She also enjoys cooking and food styling, as well as creating gift baskets for fundraisers. Born in Sonora, California, she now lives in Southern Illinois with her husband and daughter.