Richard Kearney is Charles Seelig Chair of Philosophy at Boston College. His many publications include The Wake of Imagination (1988), On Stories (2002), Strangers, Gods, and Monsters (2003), Anatheism (2011), and Navigations (2007).
3 Ebooks by Todd S. Mei
Roger W. H. Savage: Paul Ricoeur in the Age of Hermeneutical Reason
Poetics, Praxis and Critique: Paul Ricoeur in the Age of Hermeneutical Reason addresses contemporary problems of justice, the recognition of disabled persons, the role of imagination in political jud …
Dr Todd S. Mei: Heidegger, Work, and Being
In a world of changing work patterns and the global displacement of working lifestyles, the nature of human identity and work is put under great strain. Modern conceptions of work have been restricte …
Todd S. Mei: Land and the Given Economy
Alarming environmental degradation makes ever more urgent the reconciliation of political economy and sustainability. Land and the Given Economy examines how the landed basis of human existence conve …