Author: Tom Ginsburg

Daniel Bonilla Maldonado es profesor asociado y director del Grupo de Derecho de Interés Público de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de los Andes. Obtuvo su doctorado y maestría en Derecho en la Universidad de Yale y su título de abogado en la Universidad de los Andes. Se ha desempeñado como profesor invitado en la Universidad de Yale, Universidad de Fordham, Universidad del Estado de Georgia, Universidad de Texas, Instituto Internacional de Oñati para la Sociología del Derecho, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México y Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Es director de la Colección Nuevo Pensamiento Jurídico y de la Colección Textos Útiles-Derecho de Interés Público. Entre sus publicaciones más recientes se encuentran “Geopolítica del conocimiento jurídico” (Daniel Bonilla, comp., Siglo del Hombre Editores-Universidad de los Andes, 2015); “Constitucionalismo del Sur Global” (Daniel Bonilla, ed., Siglo del Hombre Editores, 2015); “La función social de la propiedad en perspectiva comparada” (Daniel Bonilla, ed., Eudeba, 2013); “Legal Clinics in the Global North and South: Between Equality and Subordination”, 16 “Yale Hum. Rts. & Dev. L.J.” 176 (2013); “Democracia, derecho y economía de mercado” (Daniel Bonilla, Colin Crawford y Carmen González, coords., Universidad de los Andes-Editorial Temis, 2010) y “Teoría del Derecho y trasplantes jurídicos” (Daniel Bonilla, ed., Universidad de los Andes-Pontificia Universidad Javeriana-Siglo del Hombre Editores, 2009).

39 Ebooks by Tom Ginsburg

Tom Ginsburg: Legal Reform in Korea
Law in Korea has historically been viewed as merely a tool of authoritarian rule, but since the transition to democracy in 1987 it has served a more important and visible role as a force for social …
Albert H.Y. Chen & Tom Ginsburg: Administrative Law and Governance in Asia
This book examines administrative law in Asia, exploring the profound changes in the legal regimes of many Asian states that have taken place in recent years. Political democratization in some …
Tom Ginsburg & Mark D. Rosen: Constitutions in Times of Financial Crisis
Many constitutions include provisions intended to limit the discretion of governments in economic policy. In times of financial crises, such provisions often come under pressure as a result of calls …
Tom Ginsburg: Legal Reform in Korea
Law in Korea has historically been viewed as merely a tool of authoritarian rule, but since the transition to democracy in 1987 it has served a more important and visible role as a force for social c …
Tom Ginsburg: Legal Reform in Korea
Law in Korea has historically been viewed as merely a tool of authoritarian rule, but since the transition to democracy in 1987 it has served a more important and visible role as a force for social c …
Albert H.Y. (University of Hong Kong) Chen & Tom Ginsburg: Administrative Law and Governance in Asia
This book examines administrative law in Asia, exploring the profound changes in the legal regimes of many Asian states that have taken place in recent years. Political democratization in some countr …
Albert H.Y. (University of Hong Kong) Chen & Tom Ginsburg: Administrative Law and Governance in Asia
This book examines administrative law in Asia, exploring the profound changes in the legal regimes of many Asian states that have taken place in recent years. Political democratization in some countr …
Nuno Garoupa & Tom Ginsburg: Judicial Reputation
Judges are society’s elders and experts, our masters and mediators. We depend on them to dispense justice with integrity, deliberation, and efficiency. Yet judges, as Alexander Hamilton famously …
Daniel Bonilla Maldonado & Jorge L Esquirol: El constitucionalismo en el continente americano
El derecho constitucional latinoamericano ha vivido una profunda transformación durante los últimos veinticinco años. Por un lado, un número importante de países de la región reformaron o promulgaron …
Tom Ginsburg & Benjamin Schonthal: Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law
Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law offers the first comprehensive account of the entanglements of Buddhism and constitutional law in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Tibet, …
Tom Ginsburg & Benjamin Schonthal: Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law
Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law offers the first comprehensive account of the entanglements of Buddhism and constitutional law in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Tibet, …
Luciano Benetti Timm & Alexandre Bueno Cateb: Direito e Economia no Brasil
Sobre a obra Direito e Economia no Brasil – Estudos Sobre a Análise Econômica do Direito – 5ª ED – 2023 Esse livro propõe-se a ser um guia introdutório da análise econômica do direito. Por este …
Tom Ginsburg: Public Law in East Asia
Public Law in East Asia is a collection of the leading English-language articles on constitutional and administrative law in the Asian region, written by many of the leading scholars from this area. …
Tom Ginsburg: Public Law in East Asia
Public Law in East Asia is a collection of the leading English-language articles on constitutional and administrative law in the Asian region, written by many of the leading scholars from this area. …
Tony Banout & Tom Ginsburg: Chicago Canon on Free Inquiry and Expression
A collection of texts that provide the foundation for the University of Chicago’s longstanding tradition of free expression, principles that are at the center of current debates within higher …