Yazar: A. M. Burrage

Marjorie Bowen (1885-1952) Marjorie Bowen, pseudônimo de Margaret Campbell, é das mais influentes escritoras de histórias de terror. Autora de mais de 150 publicações, influenciou gerações de autores. Após a morte prematura do pai alcoólatra e a criação por parte de uma mãe solteira e pouco presente, a família sofreu com a pobreza. Por muito tempo, com o dinheiro que ganhava com sua carreira de escritora, Bowen foi a principal provedora de sua família. Com apenas 16 anos, escreveu seu primeiro livro intitulado The Viper of Milan, um romance histórico que se passa na Itália do século 14. O livro foi recusado por onze editoras por conter uma violência explícita considerada inadequada para uma autora mulher. Entretanto, quando publicado, se tornou um best-seller, o que garantiu um início promissor de uma carreira notória. Seu legado seria marcado por suas histórias de terror. Em sua autobiografia, Margaret Campbell comenta sobre várias casas mal-assombradas que viveu ao longo da vida e como serviram de inspiração. Em uma delas, Bowen e sua família perceberam acontecimentos estranhos, como luzes piscando, passos e barulhos irreconhecíveis. Ela tirou dali a inspiração para o que se tornaria uma carreira de enredos sobrenaturais. Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) Em meados da Era Vitoriana, com o conservadorismo inglês em seu auge, uma mulher marcaria a literatura de forma irrevogável, com reflexões à frente de seu tempo. Sua empatia pela crescente classe trabalhadora que precisava se submeter a condições precárias de trabalho, se tornou um mote para alguns de seus trabalhos mais emblemáticos. Mary Barton, seu primeiro romance, foi publicado de forma anônima em 1848 e causou impacto imediato, chamando a atenção de outros escritores da época, entre eles Charles Dickens, que se tornaria um parceiro de trabalho. Suas narrativas envolvem protagonismo feminino, as relações entre empregadores e trabalhadores, o contexto da Revolução Industrial e suas consequências. Gaskell também ficou reconhecida pela biografia que escreveu sobre outra icônica mulher da literatura e amiga íntima: Charlotte Brontë. Enquanto seus romances exploravam assuntos mais densos, suas histórias sobrenaturais abriam portas para outros autores e gêneros. Elizabeth Gaskell foi pioneira dentro das histórias góticas de horror. Enquanto diversos escritores optavam por narrativas mais realistas em que o sobrenatural podia ser explicado, Gaskell explorava o sobrenatural puro. A história de uma velha ama, que você encontra neste livro, é um exemplo. O conto foi escrito em 1852 a ser publicado na edição de Natal da Household Words, uma revista mensal editada por Charles Dickens em 1850, que também seria a casa de diversas outras obras de Elizabeth Gaskell. Rosemary Timperley (1920-1988) Professora, escritora, jornalista, roteirista, editora são algumas das profissões que Rosemary Timperley exerceu ao longo de sua vida. Londrina de nascença, filha de pai arquiteto e mãe professora, Timperley seguiu a profissão de sua mãe. Tornou-se professora após se graduar em história e, em meados da década de 1940, enquanto ainda trabalhava como professora de inglês e história, enviou alguns contos para revistas e jornais. Após ter seu primeiro trabalho publicado em 1946, na Illustrated, uma revista da época, passou a se dedicar integralmente à escrita. Além de escrever contos e romances, Rosemery Timperley trabalhou como freelancer, jornalista e roteirista de rádio e para a televisão. Contar e escrever histórias guiou grande parte de sua vida. Publicou dezenas de histórias em pouco mais de 30 anos de carreira. Tornou-se mais conhecida por suas histórias de fantasmas, publicadas em diversas antologias. Encontro de Natal, publicado em 1952, é um de seus contos mais famosos.

23 Ebooks tarafından A. M. Burrage

HP Lovecraft & Mary Shelley: Gothic Tales Vol. 2
This collection of short stories contains several gothic tales to bear macabre and chilling witness to writers of a most excellent standard. These tales are designed to unsettle you, just a little, …
A.M. Burrage: Poor Dear Esme
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in Hillingdon, Middlesex on 1st July, 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them. The young …
A.M. Burrage: Seeker To The Dead
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in Hillingdon, Middlesex on 1st July, 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them. The young …
A.M. Burrage: Don’t Break The Seal
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in Hillingdon, Middlesex on 1st July, 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them. The young …
A.M. Burrage: Waxwork & Other Stories
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them and quickly became a master of the market …
A.M. Burrage: Warning Whispers & Other Stories
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them and quickly became a master of the market …
A.M. Burrage: Hawthorn Tree & Other Stories
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them and quickly became a master of the market …
A.M. Burrage: Box In The Attic & Other Stories
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them and quickly became a master of the market …
A.M. Burrage: Acquital & Other Stories
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them and quickly became a master of the market …
A.M. Burrage: Occult Files Of Francis Chard
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them and quickly became a master of the market …
A.M. Burrage: Fellow Mortals & Other Stories
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them and quickly became a master of the market …
A.M. Burrage: Browdean Farm & Other Stories
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them and quickly became a master of the market …
A.M. Burrage: Smee & Other Stories
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them and quickly became a master of the market …
A.M. Burrage: Druid’s Croft & Other Stories
Alfred Mc Lelland Burrage was born in 1889. His father and uncle were both writers, primarily of boy’s fiction, and by age 16 AM Burrage had joined them and quickly became a master of the market …
A.M. Burrage: Smee & The Waxwork
This comes to you courtesy of Miniature Masterpieces who have an excellent range of quality short stories from the masters of the craft. Do search for Miniature Masterpieces at any digital store for …
A.M. Burrage: Attic
This comes to you courtesy of Miniature Masterpieces who have an excellent range of quality short stories from the masters of the craft. Do search for Miniature Masterpieces at any digital store for …
A.M. Burrage: Sweeper
This comes to you courtesy of Miniature Masterpieces who have an excellent range of quality short stories from the masters of the craft. Do search for Miniature Masterpieces at any digital store for …
A.M. Burrage: One Who Saw
A sensitive writer flees the clatter of London for a sleepy French city. After settling in at quiet hotel, he spies a ghostly, solitary young woman weeping in a walled garden, her features hidden f …
A. M. Burrage: War Is War
Alfred Burrages War is War is his sincere and successful attempt to record his experiences as a private soldier in France during the First World War, his reactions to abnormal conditions and his …
A M Burrage & Hugh Walpole: Top 10 Short Stories – The 1920’s – The English – The Men
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author’s brain, their soul and heart. A few pages can lift our lives into locations, people and experiences with a sweep of landscape, …
A M Burrage & Ivan Turgenev: Stories about Trees
One of the glories of nature is the sight of a tree, its leaves gently swaying in the breeze. Resting and relaxing, it calms and restores us. Unfortunately, our classic authors including Ivan …
A M Burrage & Edith Nesbit: Top 10 Short Stories – The English Murder
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author’s brain, their soul and heart. A few pages can lift our lives into locations, people and experiences with a sweep of landscape, …
Jerome K. Jerome & Charles Dickens: O Natal dos Fantasmas
Algo assombra os antigos Natais. Em uma seleção especial com doze histórias de grandes mestres do suspense e fantasia, incluindo contos inéditos no Brasil, acompanhe fantasmas, moradores de mansões …