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Acknowledgements. About the Editors. Contributors. PART I. BASIC TERMINOLOGY, CONCEPTS, AND CHALLENGES. 1. Executive Summary and Book Overview (Ahmed Seffah and Homa ...
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Acknowledgements. About the Editors. Contributors. PART I. BASIC TERMINOLOGY, CONCEPTS, AND CHALLENGES. 1. Executive Summary and Book Overview (Ahmed Seffah and Homa Javahery). 2. Multiple User Interfaces: Cross-Platform Applications and Context-Aware Interfaces (Ahmed Seffah and Homa Javahery). PART II. ADAPTATION AND CONTEXT-AWARE USER INTERFACES. 3. A Reference Framework for the Development of Plastic User Interfaces (David Thevenin, et al.). 4. Temporal Aspects of Multi-Platform Interaction (David England and Min Du). 5. The PALIO Framework for Adaptive Information Services (Constantine Stephanidis, et al.). PART III. DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY AND LANGUAGES. 6. Building Multi-Platform User Interfaces with UIML (Mir Farooq Ali, et al.). 7. XIML: A Multiple User Interface Representation Framework for Industry (Angel Puerta and Jacob Eisenstein). 8. AUIT: Adaptable User Interface Technology, with Extended Java Server Pages (John Grundy and Wenjing Zou). PART IV. MODEL-BASED DEVELOPMENT. 9. Adaptive Task Modeling: From Formal Models to XML Representations (Peter Forbrig,
et al.). 10. Multi-Model and Multi-Level Development of User Interfaces (Jean Vanderdonckt, et al.). 11. Supporting Interactions with Multiple Platforms Through User and Task Models (L. Marucci, et al.). PART. V ARCHITECTURES, PATTERNS, AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLKITS. 12. Migrating User Interfaces Across Platforms Using HCI Patterns (Homa Javahery, et al.). 13. Support for the Adapting Applications and Interfaces to Context (Anind K. Dey and Gregory D. Abowd). 14. A Run-time Infrastructure to Support the Construction of Distributed, Multi-User, Multi-Device Interactive Applications (Simon Lock and Harry Brignull). PART VI. EVALUATION AND SOCIAL IMPACTS. 15 Assessing Usability across Multiple User Interfaces (Gustav Öquist, et al.). 16. Iterative Design and Evaluation of Multiple Interfaces for a Complex Commercial Word Processor (Joanna Mc Grenere). 17. Inter-Usability of Multi-Device Systems – A Conceptual Framework (Charles Denis and Laurent Karsenty). Subject Index.